Species: Ceiba(Chorisia) speciosa
Family: Malvaceae
Common Name: Pink Floss Silk Tree
Location:deciduous thorny tree - along steps leading from Royce down to Fowler
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Species: Ceiba(Chorisia) speciosa
Family: Malvaceae
Common Name: Pink Floss Silk Tree
Location:three trees - at entrance to underground parking at SW corner of Reagan Hospital
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Species: Ceiba(Chorisia) speciosa
Family: Malvaceae
Common Name: Pink Floss Silk Tree
Location:three thorny-trunked trees - Sproul, E side, upper patio
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Species: Ceiba(Chorisia) speciosa
Family: Malvaceae
Common Name: Pink Floss Silk Tree
Location:small trees - on slope N of Aloe Court, Weyburn Terrace
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