Species: Ilex cornuta
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Common Name: Chinese Holly
Location:cv 'Burfordii', trees, lvs have one, terminal spine - Sculpture Garden S side
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Species: Ilex cornuta
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Common Name: Chinese Holly
Location:cv 'Burfordii', 2 broad trees - on Mathematical Sciences N side near breezeway
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Species: Ilex cornuta
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Common Name: Chinese Holly
Location:cv 'Burfordii', 1m shrubs - along N wall of Life Sciences under Purple-leaf Plums
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Species: Ilex cornuta
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Common Name: Chinese Holly
Location:cv 'Dazzler', 2m hedge, lvs with five or seven spines - along Franz, N side
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Species: Ilex cornuta
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Common Name: Chinese Holly
Location:cv 'Dazzler', 1-2m shrubs - along walkway steps N of Moore
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Species: Ilex cornuta
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Common Name: Chinese Holly
Location:cv 'Rotunda', low shrubs, 4cm lv, 5-7 spines - NW corner Schoenberg
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