Species: Lophostemon confertus
Family: Myrtaceae
Common Name: Brisbane Box
Location:tall trees - on N end of bridge between Royce & Anderson Alumni Plaza
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Species: Lophostemon confertus
Family: Myrtaceae
Common Name: Brisbane Box
Location:~seven broad-leaf trees - at SE corner of parking structure 2
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Species: Lophostemon confertus
Family: Myrtaceae
Common Name: Brisbane Box
Location:two trees - on slope on Humanities N side
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Species: Lophostemon confertus
Family: Myrtaceae
Common Name: Brisbane Box
Location:trees - mid E side of Canyon Point
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Species: Lophostemon confertus
Family: Myrtaceae
Common Name: Brisbane Box
Location:trees - W side of Ackerman
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Species: Lophostemon confertus
Family: Myricaceae
Common Name: Brisbane Box
Location:3m trees, crowded 10cm lvs - W side of Switzer Plaza
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