Species: Pyrus kawakamii
Family: Rosaceae
Common Name: Evergreen Pear
Location:broad tree, dark bark - on S side of James West Alumni Ctr
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Species: Pyrus kawakamii
Family: Rosaceae
Common Name: Evergreen Pear
Location:*broad tree, thin dark shiny lvs - on W side Humanities
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Species: Pyrus kawakamii
Family: Rosaceae
Common Name: Evergreen Pear
Location:2 trees, white fls in February - at SW entrance to Franz
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Species: Pyrus kawakamii
Family: Rosaceae
Common Name: Evergreen Pear
Location:trees - on Hilgard at bus stop E of Guest House
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Species: Pyrus kawakamii
Family: Rosaceae
Common Name: Evergreen Pear
Location:three trees - on S side of Law at top of steps
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Species: Pyrus kawakamii
Family: Rosaceae
Common Name: Evergreen Pear
Location:tree - at NW corner of Powell
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