Set in the city of Los Angeles with a unique living collection of plants form around the world, The Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden is available for research collaborations. In addition to the living collections, we host the UCLA Herbarium, a collection of preserved plant specimens used for a variety of research activities.
If you are interested in performing research here, please contact our Assistant Director Allison Keeney.
To learn more about bringing your students to the Garden for coursework, check out the Outdoor Classroom & Laboratory page.
Photo: Dr. Felipe Zapata, UCLA Faculty, and Dr. Sophie Katz, Plant Records Manager at the Botanical Garden, look at samples of different species of Opuntia from the Galapagos. This is for a project in Felipe’s lab on the diversification of these cacti species. They are using fresh samples for DNA extraction, and will also use samples that were sent by collaborators in Ecuador (Dr Gonzalo Rivas and Jaime Chaves).