Academic Timeline for Master’s Students

This timeline contains the required and recommended benchmarks for the successful completion of the MS in Biology and the MS in Biology, specializing in Ecology and Evolutionary Medicine. Specific details can be found in the EEB Graduate Handbook

Year 1

Fall Quarter


  • September:
    • During week 0, attend new student orientation.
    • Students who are not California residents must begin gathering documentation to establish residency the following summer.
  • Sept/October: Students must form and meet as soon as possible with their Guidance Committee to plan coursework for their first year.
  • Take EEB 200A, Evolution
  • Take a 495 TA Preparation Course


  • Week 0: Take EEB 201, Introduction to R for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • October: Attend weekend field excursion for new students, EEB 296

Winter Quarter


  • (EvMed only) Take EEB 185, Evolutionary Medicine
  • Take EEB 375 or LS 375 TA units for students that have Teaching Assistantships.


  • Take EEB 200 B, Ecology if needed.
  • Take EEB 200 C, Animal Behavior if needed.

Spring Quarter

  • By week 1 of Spring quarter, submit the first draft of the Departmental Written Qualifying Exam Part II to guidance committee.
  • By week 8 of Spring quarter, submit the final draft of the Departmental Written Qualifying Exam Part II to guidance committee. Students must pass this exam at the MS level before Year 2.
  • (EvMed only) Take EEB 186, Evolutionary Medicine.
  • Take EEB 375/LS 375 TA course for students that have Teaching Assistantships


  • Students who are not California residents shouldapply for residency so that Non-Resident Tuition is no longer charged.

Year 2


  • Complete 36 units of graduate coursework.
  • Take an advanced quantitative course in Statistics, Biostatics, or Bioinformatics (optional for students specializing in EvMed).
  • Continue to take graduate courses as recommended by faculty advisor.


  • Attend conferences, career events, and panels, to strengthen professional networks for upcoming job searches. Students should be applying for positions at least one year before they plan to graduate.


  • Any student who has not graduated by end of Year 2 will lose good standing and is not guaranteed Departmental or University support (e.g., Teaching Assistantships, conference/travel awards, or fellowships).

Fall Quarter

  • Take EEB 375/LS 375 TA course for students that have Teaching Assistantships.
  • Continue to take graduate courses as recommended by faculty advisor.

Winter Quarter


  • Take EEB 375/LS 375 TA course for students that have Teaching Assistantships
  • Continue to take graduate courses as recommended by faculty advisor.
  • Students must file for advancement to master’s candidacy by the end of Winter quarter.
  • Students on the Thesis track must form the thesis committee.

Spring Quarter


  • Take EEB 375/LS 375 TA course for students that have Teaching Assistantships
  • Students must complete all remaining degree requirements.
  • Students on the thesis track must remain registered and enrolled in order to file the thesis or pay a “filing fee” in lieu of tuition during the filing quarter. Graduate Division deadlines vary by quarter, but typically the thesis must be filed by the last week of the quarter. (Begin filing thesis 1 week before the last day of the term in order to make sure that there are no technical difficulties preventing your submission.)

Revised: April 12, 2019