Kirk Lohmueller
(310) 825-7636
4312 Life Sciences Building (LSB)
lab website
Research Areas
Evolutionary Biology, Theory
Research Interests
My research focuses on population genetics and genomics. I develop and implement computational approaches to interpret genetic variation data to learn about evolution and disease. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how natural selection has shaped patterns of genetic variation across the genome and in different species, as well as the role that population history has played in this process. Additionally, I use genetic variation data to learn about population history. Finally, I am exploring how population genetic approaches can contribute to finding genes responsible for complex traits.
My group combines the development of new computational methods with the analysis of cutting-edge genomic data. In both cases, our work relies heavily on population genetic models.
Selected Publications
Beichman, A., T.N. Phung, K.E. Lohmueller, "Comparison of single genome and allele frequency data reveals discordant human demographic histories", G3: Genes, Genomes and Genetics, - (2017) .
Zhen, Y., R. J. Harrigan, K.C. Ruegg, E.C. Anderson, T.C. Ng, S. Lao, K.E. Lohmueller, T.B. Smith, "Genomic divergence across ecological gradients in the Central African rainforest songbird (Andropadus virens)", Mol Ecol, - (2017) [link].
Huber, C.D., B. Kim, C.D. Marsden, K.E. Lohmueller, "Determining the factors driving selective effects of new nonsynonymous mutations", Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114 : 4465-4470 (2017) .
Kim, B.Y., C.D. Huber CD, K.E. Lohmueller, "Inference of the distribution of selection coefficients for new nonsynonymous mutations using large samples", Genetics, 206 : 345-361 (2017) .
Pedersen, C.E.T., K.E. Lohmueller, N. Grarup, P. Bjerregaard, T. Hansen, H.R. Siegismund, I. Moltke, A. Albrechtsen, "The effect of an extreme and prolonged population bottleneck on patterns of deleterious variation: insights from the Greenlandic Inuit", Genetics, 205 : 787-801 (2017) .
Freedman, A.H., K.E. Lohmueller, R.K. Wayne, "Evolutionary history, selective sweeps and deleterious variation in the dog", Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst, 47 : 73-96 (2016) .
Haned, H., P. Gill, K. Lohmueller, K. Inman, N. Rudin, "Validation of probabilistic genotyping software for use in forensic DNA casework: Definitions and illustrations", Science and Justice, 56 : 104-108 (2016) [link].
Phung, T.N., C.D. Huber, K.E. Lohmueller, "Determining the effect of natural selection on linked neutral divergence across species", PLoS Genetics, 12 : e1006199- (2016) [link].
Ortega-Del Vecchyo, D., C.D. Marsden, K.E. Lohmueller, "PReFerSim: Fast simulation of demography and selection under the Poisson Random Field model", Bioinformatics, 32 : 3516-3518 (2016) [link].
Robinson, J.A., D. Ortega-Del Vecchyo, Z. Fan, B.Y. Kim, B.M. vonHoldt, C.D. Marsden, K.E. Lohmueller, R.K. Wayne, "Genomic flatlining in the endangered island fox (Urocyon littoralis)", Current Biology, 26 : 1183-1189 (2016) [link].