MBIDP Short Talks Round 2

Matt Lowe "Functional Artwork: How to Start a Record Collection" Matilde Miranda "Skincare Bootcamp" Lauren Thurlow "Infinite Houseplants" Andrew Lopez "Film Cameras 101"   Please email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom information

MBIDP Student Seminar

Amara Thind (Bradley Lab) "Discovery and Characterization of Novel Bradyzoite Dense Granule Proteins in Toxoplasma gondii.” Please contact mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom details.

MB-IDP Town Hall

For Zoom details please email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu

MBIDP Short Talks 3

Jiayan Zhang “Baby Jeff and kitties too!” Andrew Lopez “Film 101” Glo Hernandez “A fish and a tail!” Raquel Aragón “Make your money work for you!” Jessica Ochoa “Cuerdas de México”   Please email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom information.

MBIDP Student Seminar

Yan Li (Guo lab) "Structure-based design of antisense oligonucleotide"    Join Zoom Meeting https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99357198069?pwd=YzhYWFRyb0hMeWFrdm95L2JOZzdvUT09 Meeting ID: 993 5719 8069 Passcode: 404225 One tap mobile +13462487799,,99357198069#,,,,,,0#,,404225# US (Houston) +16465588656,,99357198069#,,,,,,0#,,404225# US (New York) Dial by your location         +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)         +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) […]

MBIDP Student Seminar

"RNA-binding proteins in genome organization” Nivedita Damodaren (Plath/Black labs)   Join Zoom Meeting https://ucla.zoom.us/j/94938248474?pwd=SjhZOEw5dENtVU9NbE9jeldWanc3Zz09 Meeting ID: 949 3824 8474 Passcode: 284283 One tap mobile +16465588656,,94938248474#,,,,,,0#,,284283# US (New York) +16699006833,,94938248474#,,,,,,0#,,284283# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US […]

MBIDP Student Defense


"Biomaterials to Enhance T cell Therapies" Negin Majedi (Butte lab)   Zoom information https://zoom.us/j/93545600704?pwd=QWpkS2xxTFBkUVNhZS9jaHU3aXprUT09 Meeting ID: 935 4560 0704 Passcode: phd2020    

MBIDP Student Seminar

"Exploring Mechanisms of Stem Cell Niche Maintenance in the Drosophila testis" Jordan Kryza (Jones lab)     Join Zoom Meeting https://ucla.zoom.us/j/97467710305?pwd=MjFSZFplN05SMFl5QVhzM2EycEJYZz09 Meeting ID: 974 6771 0305 Passcode: 099395 One tap mobile +16699006833,,97467710305#,,,,,,0#,,099395# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,97467710305#,,,,,,0#,,099395# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)         +1 301 715 8592 […]

MBIDP Student Seminar


"NFkB RelB Prevents Type I interferon Overproduction and Autoimmune Disorders" Hector Navarro (Hoffmann lab) Join Zoom Meeting https://ucla.zoom.us/j/91292402765?pwd=ZHg0SmVUbHdBUjZrbmNBbjZiYWt2Zz09   Meeting ID: 912 9240 2765 Passcode: 869573 One tap mobile +16513728299,,91292402765#,,,,,,0#,,869573# US (St. Paul) +16692192599,,91292402765#,,,,,,0#,,869573# US (San Jose) Dial by your location         +1 651 372 8299 US (St. Paul)         +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose) […]

Mindful Movement with Raquel


Join Zoom Meeting https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93020609766?pwd=SjlSWWVBdGNlbVVVWVhBOVcvYjd6QT09 Meeting ID: 930 2060 9766 Passcode: 041973 One tap mobile +12133388477,,93020609766#,,,,*041973# US (Los Angeles) +16692192599,,93020609766#,,,,*041973# US (San Jose)