• Weight does not equal health: Postdoc Jeff Hunger quoted in a SELF article

    Jeff Hunger, who is a postdoctoral scholar here at the DiSH Lab, recently spoke to SELF magazine about negative stereotypes about weight. The article focuses on an Instagram post by model Ashley Graham that received many weight stigmatizing comments. Specifically, some users were attributing health conditions (e.g., heart disease) to an individual’s weight. Addressing such…

  • Sam’s PROPS Celebration!

    One of our wonderful DiSH Research Assistants, Sam Xiong, just completed UCLA’s Psychology Research Opportunities Program (PROPS)! PROPS helps prepare students to begin careers in research and involves weekly seminars covering graduate school, careers in academia, and research opportunities in various fields of psychology. As a part of the PROPS program, Sam got the chance to…

  • Congratulations, Diana!

    One of our dedicated DiSH Lab Research Assistants, Diana Gonzalez, will be starting out at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health this fall! The Mailman School of Public Health is a world-renowned program, and we are so proud of Diana for pursuing a subject that she’s so passionate about! Here’s what Diana has to say: “I…

  • Dr. T wins APS’s Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions!

    We are very excited to announce that Dr. T has won the Association for Psychological Science’s prestigious Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions! This award recognizes psychological scientists who show a unique talent for doing interdisciplinary research and who incorporate various methodological approaches in their programs of research, and it’s an incredible…

  • Congratulations to DiSH Lab Manager Erin Standen for being awarded a NSF Graduate Fellowship!

    Erin Standen, who has been the exceptional manager of the DiSH Lab for the past 2 years, has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship! This fellowship is extremely competitive and prestigious, awarded to outstanding graduate students across the country who are pursuing research-based degrees in various disciplines. Erin officially accepted an…

  • Congratulations, Jenna!

    One of our incredible DiSH graduate students, Jenna Cummings, just passed her dissertation preliminary orals! We’re excited to announce that she is now officially a Doctoral Candidate in the department of Psychology, and will embark on her dissertation. We are so proud of you, Jenna! We know that you’re destined for greatness, and we can’t…

  • Congratulations, Diane!

    We’re so proud of Diane Dallal, one of our incredible DiSH Research Assistants, who just accepted an offer of admission to Drexel University’s Clinical Psychology program! Find out what Diane had to say here: “I feel so lucky to be pursuing graduate study in overeating and obesity at Drexel University’s clinical psychology program this fall.…

  • Congratulations, Kristin!

    One of our stellar DiSH Lab Research Assistants, Kristin Horrillo, just accepted an offer of admission to the Mills College School of Education! Check out what Kristin has to say here: “I’ll be taking part in a two-year Masters’ in Education with an emphasis in Child Life in Hospitals program at Mills that focuses on…

  • It’s official – Dr. T has earned tenure at UCLA!!

    We are SO excited to announce that Dr. Tomiyama, DiSH Lab Director, has officially earned tenure and will be promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor this July! This is one of the biggest milestones of a career in academia, and it comes as a result of Dr. T’s incredibly hard work, innovative line of…

  • DiSH Lab at SPSP 2017!

    This past weekend, the DiSH lab attended the 18th Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Convention in San Antonio, TX. We also attended the Social, Personality and Health (SPH) Preconference, and we were one of the best-represented labs in attendance – our undergraduate research assistants, graduate students, lab manager, post-doc, and DiSH alums…

January 2025