• Dr. T and Angela on the LA Times!

    More press release for our awesome study by grad student Angela, Dr. T, and Dr. Andrew Ward! It seems like everyone is curious to know what weight stigma smells like and this time they’re on the LA Times! You won’t want to miss out on how they used a tricky manipulation where participants rated odorless “scent samples”…

  • What does weight stigma smell like? DiSH paper released on UCLA’s website!

    One of our grad students, Angela Incollingo Rodriguez’s, paper: What does weight stigma smell like? Cross-modal influences of visual weight cues on olfaction, written in collaboration with Dr. T and Dr. Andrew Ward, just got released on UCLA’s website! The findings suggest that the effects of weight stigma are broader than previously recognized, as visual…

  • Stop worrying about what to eat, knowing why might be enough!

    In light of the current obesity epidemic, ample effort has been put into trying to help consumers make healthier eating choices. Commonly proposed strategies have been better food labeling and improved nutritional knowledge. However, according to a new study published in the Journal of Marketing Research, enhancing people’s ability to recognize their true emotions may…

  • Laugh it off -The movies that make you eat less

    Research from the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University indicates that watching sad movies can fuel emotional eating, leading you to eat significantly more than what you would have eaten watching a comedy. In the study, participants were assigned to either watch Love Story, a melancholic tragedy, or Sweet Home Alabama, a romantic comedy.…

  • Boxing up on obesity -Too much too cheap?

    Recent research from the National Bureau of Economic Research investigating external forces influencing obesity has found that two particular factors that may be highly influential: Big-box stores and the proliferation of restaurants. In light of the skyrocketing obesity epidemic, much effort has been made in order to reveal some of the external and internal causes…

  • Dr.T co-chairing the 2015 SPHN Preconference!

    Another successful event for Dr. T; she was the co-chair of the 2015 Social Personality Health Network (SPHN) Preconference today! The SPHN presented the 7th Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Preconference, and topics that were discussed included socioeconomic and racial health disparities, stress, psychoneuroendocrinology, behavior change, meditation, body image, doctor-patient communication, sleep, and Big Data. Additionally,…

  • The new crack: Why certain food cravings are hard to combat

    Researchers at the University of Michigan have confirmed what has long been suspected: highly processed food like pizza and chocolate can have the same addictive effect on the brain as alcohol and drugs. The link between food and substance dependent effects in the brain has been indicated by many previous studies, but these researchers were…

  • The error in the “eat less, move more” paradigm

    The alarming rates of obesity have brought huge attention to trying to find effective treatments for this major public health issue. As you may know, much of the current research here in the DiSH lab investigates the implications of weight stigma on health, as there seem to be widespread misconceptions regarding the causes of obesity,…

  • Are you having fun yet? -The role of framing in weight loss

    There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you’re not getting the desired results after making a real effort to keep hitting the gym and cutting back on the junk food. However, if this has ever been you, you are definitely not the only one, and a recent study from Cornell University may have done…

  • Traci Mann is soon out with “Secrets from the Eating Lab”!

    Dr. Traci Mann’s book, Secrets from the Eating Lab: the science of weight loss, the myth of willpower, and why you should never diet again, is finally available for pre-order and is hitting the shelves in April! Being Dr. T’s graduate advisor, the book is full of DiSH relevant research and is going to be…

January 2025