• Even our cells can get depressed…

    Despite the widespread use of antidepressants in the last decade, depression rates continue to steadily climb. In fact, recent research indicates that approximately one in four Americans will meet the diagnostic criteria for depression at some point in their lives. This makes depression the most pervasive mental illness in our society. A recent study from the University…

  • Dr T says: “If shaming reduced obesity, there would be no fat people”

    Back in December, Daniel Callahan published his piece “Obesity: Chasing an Elusive Epidemic” where he made the controversial suggestion that stigmatization of the overweight/obesity will ease the “obesity epidemic”. As you may know, the DiSH Lab strongly promotes weight acceptance, and much of our current research investigates the detrimental physical and psychological effects of exposure…

  • Do our personalities change along with our weight?

    When a person gains weight, it is pretty clear that their body goes through a physical change, but what other changes might accompany this process? Angelina Sutin of the Florida State University College of Medicine, sought the answer in this recent study of residents of Baltimore (over 1,900 participants). As expected, participants who had at least a…

  • So THAT’S what calories mean!

    In recent years, restaurants have received a lot of pressure to include their meals’ calorie contents on menus. But does this really change how much a customer will order? Does anyone even know what calorie content is measuring? Studies have shown that having calorie information actually leads people to order more food which, if anything,…

  • TOMORROW! Instant Recess!

    To memorialize the untimely passing of one of the DiSH Lab’s heroes Toni Yancey, tomorrow May 7th at 1pm PDT (4 m EDT) we will join in a nationwide 10-minute instant recess. At UCLA, you can meet up with us at the CHS courtyard, but wherever you are, this is a wonderful way to honor…

  • Binge Eating Biology

    We often blame societal pressure, advertisements, magazines, and beauty campaigns for the fact that eating disorders are more common among women than men. It turns out, however, that biology may also be a culprit of this discrepancy, at least when it comes to binge eating. Although it is difficult, or even impossible, to nullify societal…

  • How to raise a healthy eater

    With the goal of raising happy and healthy children, many parents strive to ensure that their kids are eating the right foods and in the right amounts. However, a recent study published in the journal Pediatrics found that parents’ intervening over what their children eat may not be helpful in maintaining a healthy weight. Restricting calorie…

  • An ‘Exercise’ in Healthy Eating

    As people are becoming more health conscious, it is difficult to decide whether we should focus our energy on changing our diet or boosting physical activity. This study out of Stanford University School of Medicine found that participants who engaged in both exercise and diet were able to achieve the nationally recommended goals of 150 minutes of…

  • Pets with Benefits!

    With project deadlines, budget cuts, and poor job performances, it is no wonder many people consider the workplace to be a stressful environment. But have no fear, your best friend is here! Published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, a preliminary study conducted by Randolph Barker (yes that last name is for real)…

  • Shedding pounds in your sleep?

    With obesity being such a hot topic for clinicians, researchers, and the general public, everyone is trying to identify successful weight-loss techniques. The University of Pennsylvania just published a surprising finding that increasing hours of sleep may actually decrease the prevalence of obesity among adolescents. This longitudinal study  followed 1000 adolescents throughout their four years in…

January 2025