• Facts from fiction in the obesity hype

    In our society so focused on battling the “obesity epidemic”, here is an article that everyone should read before making any presumptions or judgements about weight and obesity. The authors debunk several myths about obesity regarding weight loss maintenance, weight loss goals, breast feeding, and sexual activity. They also touch on breakfast, childhood habits, fruit and…

  • Danni Guest Blogs: In the mood for success…

    This Guest Blog Post is from Danni Ji, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students:   This recent study found that good moods help older adults to improve their decision making and working memory. Subjects were either given candy and thank you card or no reward before testing, to boost their moods. They then attempted to learn…

  • Keeping track of your health: There’s an app for that!

    With the constant advancement in technology, this article suggests that more people have taken advantage of their electronics and gadgets, especially with their smartphones, as a way to keep track of their health. It has become increasingly more common to download apps onto mobile devices, or use self-monitoring devices, to track personal health. And a recent…

  • Calorie restriction, telomeres, and the lifespan…

    If you’ve taken a look at our research page, you know that the DiSH Lab has a particular interest in cellular aging, as measured by telomeres, the protective coating on the end of our DNA. There is a wealth of animal research linking calorie restriction to longer telomeres (and lifespan), and this study from Spanish…

  • Asher Guest Blogs: Warming up the “cold shoulder”

    This Guest Blog Post is from Asher King Abramson, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: Who knew the metaphor was true? According to this social interaction research from the Netherlands, when people feel lonely or excluded, the physical temperature of their skin actually drops! One reason for this is a protective immune response called vasoconstriction,…

  • Tracing obesity to even before birth

    With “curing” the “obesity epidemic” on the forefront of much of today’s health research, this new finding from Berlin published in PLOS ONE suggests that the mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy can have huge implications for the child’s weight throughout life. Specifically, researchers found that mothers’ overweight/obesity, over-nutrition, and lack of exercise may lead to high birthweight. High…

  • Get the most out of your flu shot

    This year’s flu is touted to be particularly severe, which is all the more reason why you should consider getting the vaccination. And if you want to make sure your flu shot is maximally effective, here are a couple new findings that offer some promising advice: Researchers from Iowa State University found that people who went…

  • Ken Guest Blogs: Work yourself into a heart attack

    This Guest Blog Post is from Ken Huang, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: This NPR article discusses some striking long-term implications from stress. Researchers looked at data from 200,000 participants from 13 different studies over an average of 7.5 years and found that those who reported having a stressful job had a 23% higher heart…

  • Choose your words carefully!

    Published this morning, this PLOS Blogs Public Health post highlights a really important issue in healthcare and interventions. The post discusses how the very language we use to refer to a group of people can be inherently stigmatizing, even if our actions and intentions are to help those people. Most notably, instead of saying an “X…

  • Reed Guest Blogs: Why Oscar winners live longer

    This Guest Blog Post is from Reed Vierra, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: In this podcast, they cover three different research projects which detail the interesting phenomena of why people who win Nobel prizes, Oscars, and get inducted into the Hall of Fame tend to outlive their peers by a significant length of time. They…

January 2025