We are keen to share our research with the press and media so as to better communicate our findings to the public. Here’s some of the press the project has received in the past few years…
Popular Press about the marmot project in general: Science News, Science, Natural History, Los Angeles Times, Audubon Magazine , The Rocky Mountain News, The Aspen Daily News, KBUT Nature Notes-20 min interview, The New York Times, Glenwood Springs Post Independent, University of Lousiana, Monroe News, also see the special featurette about studying marmots included with the 15th Anniversary Edition release of the film Groundhog Day.
Popular press for the 29 November 2010 Proceedings of the National Academy of Science heritable victimization article: Cosmos, Discover, Live Science, New Scientist, PhysOrg.com, Science News, Wired Science, and more…
Popular press for the 22 July 2010 Nature cover story about how shorter winters have led to fatter marmots and a population explosion over the past decade includes: The LA Times, The NY Times, Discovery News, New Scientist, The Telegraph, Time Magazine, Scientific American, Wired Science, USA Today, AFP, LiveScience, Discover Magazine, Eureka Alert, PhysOrg, The Christian Science Monitor, CBS News, Irish Times, Planet Earth, The Money Times, AOL News, The Denver Post, and more! Listen to Arpat’s Nature PodCast interview and Dan’s NPR interview. And, don’t forget to read the News of The World to learn about Arpat’s summer vacations…
Popular press about the marmot masculinization work: BBC, Live Science, National Geographic Daily News, and more…
Celebrate groundhog day long enough and the press comes! A fun article from the LA Times.
Our PRSB paper about heritable alarm calls was a hit in German speaking parts of the world…as was our PRSB paper about the delayed beneifts of play: Die Welt, Der Tagesspiegel, etc.
The long-term marmot study was featured in an article in The Scientist in the July 2013 issue.
Aspen Public Radio broadcast two pieces about Team Marmot’s work: The Marmots of RMBL, and What Marmots Can Teach Us About Plastics.
If you wish to develop a popular article, please contact Dan Blumstein (marmots@ucla.edu).
Last updated: 18 July 13