We have four sections of publications below: Primary Research Articles, Review Articles, Commentaries & Profiles, and Stephanie’s papers before UCLA
If you do not have access or need a PDF, please email Stephanie for a a copy.
Primary Research Articles
(pre-print) Park, J.W.*, Cortes, L.R.*#, Sandoval, N.P., Baron A.G., Vree A.R., Fideles, H.J., Hansen, M.R., Lopez, J.I., Dilday, E.A., Rashid, S., Kammel, L.G., Veen J.E., Correa, S.M.# Sex-specific thermoregulatory effects of estrogen signaling in Reprimo lineage cells. * co-first authors, #corresponding authors. doi: 10.1101/2024.12.02.626488 (2024)
(pre-print) Raam T.*, Li, Q.*, Gu L., Elagio G., Lim K.Y., Zhang, X., Correa, S.M., Hong, W. Neural basis of collective social behavior during environmental challenge doi: 10.1101/2024.09.17.613378 (2024)
Massa, M.G., Scott, R.L., Cara, A.L., Cortes, L.R., Vander, P.B., Sandoval, N.P., Park, J.W., Ali, S., Velez, L.M., Wang, H.B., Ati, S.S., Tesfaye, B., Reue, K., van Veen, J.E., Seldin, M.M., and Correa, S.M. Feeding Neurons Integrate Metabolic and Reproductive States in Mice. Feeding Neurons Integrate Metabolic and Reproductive States in Mice, iScience 10, 107918 (2023)
, R. C., , D., , A., , A., , P., , Z., , S. M., , F. and
Krause, W. C., Rodriguez, R., Gegenhuber, B., Matharu, N., Rodriguez, A. N., Padilla-Roger, A. M., Toma, K., Herber, C. B., Correa, S. M., Duan, X. Ahituv, N., Tollkuhn, J., and Ingraham, H. A. Oestrogen engages brain MC4R signalling to drive physical activity in female mice. Nature 599, 131–135 (2021)
Zhang, Z., Park, J. W., Ahn, I. S., Diamante, G., Sivakumar, N., Arneson, D. V., Yang, X., van Veen, J. E.# and Correa, S. M.# Estrogen receptor alpha in the brain mediates tamoxifen-induced changes in physiology in mice, eLife, 10:e63333 (2021)
#corresponding authors.
Query the scRNA-seq data from this publication here.
Read the summary of the paper by eLife Digest, All in the Head.
Zhang, Z., Reis, F. M. C. V., He, Y., Park, J. W., DiVittorio, J. R., Sivakumar, N., van Veen, J. E., Pereira, S., Shum, M., Nichols, I., Anderson, S., Massa, M. G., Paul, K. N., Liesa, M., Ajijola, O. A., Xu, Y, Adhikari, A., and Correa, S. M. Estrogen-Sensitive Medial Preoptic Area Neurons Coordinate Torpor in Mice, Nature Communications, 11:6278 (2020)
van Veen, J. E.*, Kammel, L. G.*, Bunda, P. C., Shum, M., Reid, M. S., Massa, M. G., Arneson, D. V., Park, J. W., Zhang, Z., Joseph, A. M., Hrncir, H., Liesa, M., Arnold, A. P., Yang, X., and Correa, S. M. Hypothalamic oestrogen receptor alpha establishes a sexually dimorphic regulatory node of energy expenditure. Nature Metabolism, 2: 351–363 (2020)
*authors contributed equally
Cover image by Laura Kammel, PhD — Link to viewable PDF: rdcu.be/b3xKk —Query the scRNA-seq data from this publication here.
Prokop, J. W., Chhetri, S., van Veen, J. E., Chen, X., Underwood, A. C., Uhl, K., Dwinell, M. R., Geurts, A. M., Correa, S. M., and Arnold, A. P. Transcriptional analysis of the multiple Sry genes and developmental program at the onset of testis differentiation in the rat, Biology of Sex Differences,11: 28 (2020)
Lee, S. D.*, Priest, C.*, Bjursell, M., Gao, J., Arneson, D. V., Ahn, I. S., Diamante, G., van Veen, J. E., Massa, M. G., Calkin, A. C., Kim, J., Andersén, H., Porritt, M., Carreras, A., Ahnmark, A., Seeliger, F., Maxvall, I., Eliasson, P., Althage, M., Åkerblad, P., Lindén, D., Cole, T. A., Lee, R., Boyd, H., Bohlooly-Y, M., Correa, S. M., Yang, X., Tontonoz, P., and Hong, C. IDOL regulates systemic energy balance through control of CNS VLDLR expression. Nature Metabolism 1: 1089–1100 (2019) *authors contributed equally
Herber C. B.*, Krause, W. C.*, Wang, L., Bayrer, J. R., Li, A., Schmitz, M., Fields, A., Ford, B., Zhang, Z., Reid, M. S., Nomura, D. K., Nissenson, R. A., Correa S. M.#, and Ingraham, H. A.# Estrogen signaling in arcuate Kiss1neurons suppresses a sex-dependent female circuit promoting dense strong bones. Nature Communications, 10: article 163 (2019)
*authors contributed equally #corresponding authors
Review Articles: Our research in context
Camon, C., Garratt, M., Correa, S. M. Exploring the effects of estrogen deficiency and aging on organismal homeostasis during menopause. Nature Aging, online Dec 13, 2024 (2024)
Zhang, Z., DiVittorio, J.R., Joseph, A.M., and Correa, S.M. The effects of estrogens on neural circuits that control temperature. Endocrinology, 162:bqab087 (2021)
Massa, M. G.# and Correa, S. M.# Sexes on the Brain: Sex as Multiple Biological Variables in the Neural Control of Feeding. BBA Molecular Basis of Disease 1866:165840. (2020)
#corresponding authors
Kammel, L. G. and Correa, S. M. Selective sexual differentiation of neurone populations may contribute to sex-specific outputs of the ventromedial hypothalamus. J Neuroendocrinol.; 00:e12801 (2020)
Commentaries & Profiles
2023 The Science Show with Robyn Williams “The hot and cold effects of our hormones”Australian Broadcasting Corp
2022 U Magazine (UCLA Health) Spotlight “What’s the Difference?”
2021 Daily Bruin Article: “Latino scientific researchers reflect on achievements, importance of mentorship” with MS student Amanda Misquez
2021 UCLA College Featured Story “Stronger Together” with doctoral student, Norma Sandoval
2021 Career Pathway profile in Nature Metabolism, doi: 10.1038/s42255-021-00379-7
2021 Knowing Neurons neuroscience education website, interview by Arielle Hogan
2018 Commentary with Rebecca M. Calisi and a Working Group of Mothers in Science. “How to Tackle the Childcare–Conference Conundrum“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 201803153; doi:10.1073/pnas.1803153115
Levin, R.N., Correa, S.M., Freund, K.A., Fuxjager, M.J. Latitudinal and elevational variation in the reproductive biology of house wrens, Troglodytes aedon. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10476 (2023)
Correa, S. M., Newstrom, D. W., Warne J. P., Flandin, P., Cheung, C. C., Pierce, A. A., Lin-Moore, A. T., Xu, A. W., Rubenstein, J. L. and H. A. Ingraham. An Estrogen-Responsive Module in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus Selectively Drives Sex-Specific Activity in Females. Cell Reports, 10: 62-74 (2015)
Adkins-Regan, E., Banerjee, S. B., Correa, S. M., Schweitzer, C. Maternal Effects in Quail and Zebra Finches: Behavior and Hormones. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 190:34-41. (2013)
Correa, S. M., Washburn, L. L., Kahlon, R. S., Musson, M. C., Bouma, G. J., Eicher, E. M. and Albrecht, K. H. Sex Reversal in C57BL/6J XY Mice Caused by Increased Expression of Ovarian Genes and Insufficient Activation of the Testis Determining Pathway. PLoS Genetics 8(4) e1002569 (2012)
Correa, S. M., Horan, C. M., Johnson, P. A., Adkins-Regan, E. Copulatory Behaviors and Body Condition Predict Post-Mating Female Hormone Levels, Fertilization Success, and Primary Sex Ratios in Japanese Quail. Hormones and Behavior 59, 556-564 (2011)
Safran, R. J., McGraw, K. J., Pilz, K. M., and Correa, S. M. Egg-Yolk Androgen and Carotenoid Deposition as a Function of Maternal Social Environment in Barn Swallows Hindo rustica. Journal of Avian Biology, 41, 470-478 (2010)
Lee, H. J., Pazin, D. E., Kahlon, R. S., Correa, S. M., and Albrecht, K. H. Novel Markers of Early Ovarian Pre-Granulosa Cells are Expressed in an Sry-Like Pattern. Developmental Dynamics, 238, 812-825 (2009)
Safran, R. J., Pilz, K. M., McGraw, K. J., Correa S. M., and Schwabl, H. Are Yolk Androgens and Carotenoids in Barn Swallow Eggs Related to Parental Quality? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62, 427-438 (2008)
McGraw, K. J., Correa, S. M., and Adkins-Regan, E. Testosterone Upregulates Lipoprotein Status to Control Sexual Attractiveness in a Colorful Songbird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60, 117-122 (2006)
Correa, S. M., Adkins-Regan, E., and Johnson, P. A. High Progesterone During Avian Meiosis Biases Sex Ratios Toward Females. Biology Letters 1, 215-218 (2005)