How We Work

Our Research Philosophy

At our lab, we encourage curiosity above all else. Our students are allowed to approach their research from whatever angle they’re more passionate about. Whether you want to start your own project or join in on one of our existing ones, we’re sure you’ll find something unique to contribute to the lab.

All our lab members have special skills that allow us to work on unique research; they can range between a knack for writing and designing research materials, to an affinity for data analysis and visualization. We hope to help you develop yours.

Lastly, we know the progress of research is not linear. At times, we work diligently towards answering a specific research question, while at others we take slight detours to address new and interesting inquiries that naturally arise through the research process.

A Note on Diversity

At the Maloy Research Group, we strive to foster a safe space where all students can feel welcome and respected. We seek students from all kinds of diverse backgrounds who can provide their own perspectives on the work we do. By doing this, we hope to produce research that can contribute toward more equitable classrooms and address systemic inequities in our educational system.

Student Wellbeing

In our research group, we group, we understand a lot of our students balance many responsibilities. As such, we understand if there are weeks that might be more difficult than others.  While we don’t expect you to prioritize your work at the lab over your own well-being, we do appreciate clear communication so that we may better support you and plan your work accordingly.

If you are currently in need of additional support, please see UCLA’s mental health resources.