* 성씨 알파벳 순
의학 임상 부교수 (Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine), USC
의료 이사 (Medical Director), Keck School of Medicine of USC – Buena Park and Koreatown
공동 창립자 (Co-Founder), Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN)
설립자 겸 CEO (Founder and CEO), Translating Research Across Communities (TRAC)
공동 감독 (Co-director), Global Advocacy Leadership Academy
선임 연구원 (Senior Research Fellow), Department of Communication, George Mason University
최고 임상 책임자 & 프로그램 및 연구 이사(Chief Clinical Officer and Director of Program & Research)
Cancer Support Community Los Angeles
Becky Nguyen, MPH, MPA
전무 이사 (Executive Director)
Vietnamese American Cancer Foundation
호스피스 및 완화치료 의사 (Board-certified Hospice and Palliative Care Physician)
Palliative Care Team, UCLA Medical Center
공동 창립자 (Co-Founder), UCLA 3 Wishes Project