MBI Faculty Seminar


"Effect of rare variants on gene expression and Alzheimer’s disease" Jae Hoon Sul, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences    All MBI Faculty Welcome Please email mbiasst@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom information.    

Benoit G. Bruneau, Ph.D.

"Transcriptional regulation of heart development and congenital heart disease” Benoit G. Bruneau, Ph.D. Director, Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease William H. Younger Chair in Cardiovascular Research, Gladstone Institutes Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UC San Francisco   Please email mbiasst@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom information.

MBI Faculty Seminar


"Dysregulated NFκB impairs B lymphopoiesis by disrupting proper pacing of developmental transitions" Alexander Hoffmann, Ph.D. Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics   All MBI Faculty Welcome

Cecilia Moens, Ph.D.

"Building a Topographic Map: What Happens in Vagus" Cecilia Moens, Ph.D.  Member, Division of Basic Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Affiliate Professor, Biology University of Washington   Please email mbiasst@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom information.

MBI Faculty Seminar


Roy Wollman, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Integrative Biology and Physiology   Please email mbiasst@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom information.   All MBI Faculty Welcome

MBIDP Student Seminar


“Investigating the role of the transcription factor ZFHX4 in human corticogenesis” Yuki Hebner (de la Torre-Ubieta lab) and “Understanding Neuronal Stress in Monogenic Intellectual Disability Syndromes” Abril Morales (Lowry lab)   Join Zoom Meeting https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98910505174?pwd=czRHUHJ4QVQrT0EwUHRMQ3Q2NlhOQT09 Meeting ID: 989 1050 5174 Passcode: 940704 One tap mobile +12133388477,,98910505174#,,,,,,0#,,940704# US (Los Angeles) +16692192599,,98910505174#,,,,,,0#,,940704# US (San Jose)

MBIDP Student Defense


"Characterization of a Trichomonas vaginalis surface protein that mediates parasite binding to host cells and establishment of a male mouse model for in vivo study of parasite pathogenesis” Brenda Molgora (Patricia Johnson lab)   Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/94352277407 Meeting ID: 943 5227 7407

Samie Jaffrey, M.D., Ph.D.

"Understanding the function and dynamics of m6A in the epitranscriptome" Samie Jaffrey, M.D., Ph.D. Greenberg-Starr Professor, Pharmacology Weill Medical College, Cornell University

MBI Faculty Seminar


"Stronger than hunger was sorrow": epigenetic consequences of glucose deprivation in lung cancer Claudio Scafoglio, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine   Please email mbiasst@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom information.   All MBI Faculty Welcome

Scott Dehm, Ph.D.

"Evolution and Plasticity of the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer" Scott Dehm, Ph.D. Professor and Apogee Enterprises Chair in Cancer Research Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Minnesota Please email mbiasst@lifesci.ucla.edu for Zoom link.