
Technologies offered at the TLSB 5031 Microscopy Core Facility includes:

  1. Zeiss Elyra super-resolution SIM/PALM microscope (free)
  2. Zeiss LSM880 Confocal with Airyscan ($37.48/$26.19/h peak/after hours)
  3. Zeiss LSM880 Confocal with 2-photon laser ($37.48/$26.19/h peak/after hours)
  4. Zeiss LSM780 Confocal ($37.48/$26.19/h peak/after hours)
  5. Zeiss Imager M2 Apotome System ($9.14/h)
  6. Incucyte Zoom (free)
  7. Imaris Workstation ($6.20/h)