November 2021
Roxane and Artin presented the F.I.A.B.S. poster at the UCLA Brain Research Institute 32nd Annual Neuroscience Poster Day!
August 2021
Neural Dynamics Group is proud to showcase QCBio B.I.G. Summer presentations by Artin Allahverdian and Itzel Melgoza! Congratulations to Artin and Itzel on a job well done!
July 2021
Dr. Sharmila Venugopal and Dr. Eric Deeds received the Life Sciences Instructional Improvement Grant to develop and assess a novel Computer Programming for Life Scientists course. We are grateful to the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and look forward to enhancing the quantitative and computational curriculum for our undergraduate students.
Neural Dynamics Group welcomes NIH STEP-UP summer scholar! The STEP-UP Program is a federally funded program managed and supported by the Office of Minority Health Research Coordination (OMHRC) in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney (NIDDK) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Thanks for this wonderful opportunity for our students!
Neural Dynamics Group welcomes Whitcome Summer 2021 Scholar! Thanks to the Department of Integrative Biology & Physiology for supporting undergraduate research with its faculty members!
Neural Dynamics Group welcomes B.I.G Summer 2021 Scholars! Thanks to the Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences for this incredible collaborative opportunities for undergraduate students @ UCLA and beyond!
Hearty Congratulations to Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed on earning his Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering!
June 2021
Hearty Congratulations to Jakob von Morgenland for securing the HIGHEST HONORS on his Neuroscience Thesis! A job well done! Very proud of you, Jakob!
Sharmila Venugopal was elected to serve as the Deputy Chair of INCF’s Standard and Best Practices Committee. It is an honor to steer Open and FAIR Neuroscience in the coming years!
February 2021
OCNS Newsletter 2021 spotlights INCF/OCNS collaborations!
Jakob’s work was highlighted by the UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH CENTER. What a proud moment!
April 2021
Grateful for the honor to chair Publishers & Funders roundtable discussion at the INCF Assembly 2021!
Md Ashfaq Ahmed’s QCBio talk @UCLA!
January 2021
QCBio Seminar (Sharmila Venugopal): PART I, PART II.
Florida International University Department of Biomedical Engineering Wallace H. Coulter Seminar (Sharmila Venugopal)
Thanks to the Quantitative BioSciences Institute at UCLA for welcoming Sharmila Venugopal into their esteemed faculty cohort. Truly honored to be a part of this enterprising community striving to advance Quantitative Research and Education in Life Sciences @ UCLA.
Thanks to the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) for electing Sharmila Venugopal to serve as a member on their core Standards and Best Practices Committee. It is such an honor and privilege to serve on this committee to endorse open and FAIR neuroscience.
Congratulations to Jakob von Morgenland for being selected for an oral presentation during the UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH WEEK 2020 to present his ongoing honors thesis work on computational modeling of a sensorimotor reflex circuit afflicted in the neurodegenerative motor neuron diseases. Way to go Jakob!
Thanks to the Organization for Computational Neuroscience for nominating Sharmila Venugopal as a member of the Council for Training, Science and Infrastructure (CTSI), a governing body of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF). It is such an honor and privilege to serve on this committee to endorse open and FAIR neuroscience.
Congratulations to Jakob von Morgenland on becoming the first undergraduate student contributor to the Springer Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience!
“Did you know Math can help us learn how diseases work?”
Highlighted on UCLA In the News
Congratulations to Mominah Subhan, an undergraduate Life Sciences student for her award-winning essay, recognized by the Association for Women in Mathematics. Thanks for featuring Dr. V! It is such an honor!
Congratulations to Soju Seki for winning a research presentation award at the 62nd Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons!
Thanks to the Members of the Organization for Computational Neuroscience for electing Sharmila Venugopal as a member of the Board of Directors. It is such an honor and privilege to serve as the Education and Training Chair and Member of the Executive Committee of OCNS.
Congratulations to Kevin Donohue for his stellar presentation and winning the UCLA Dean’s Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Research! Great job developing a novel image processing tool for detecting minuscule oddly-shaped synaptic terminals!
Thanks to the organizing committee at the Institute for Neural Computation for selecting Sharmila Venugopal’s poster for a spotlight presentation at the Joint Symposium for Neural Computation!
Thanks to the Center for Advancement of Teaching at UCLA for supporting innovations in Math education for undergraduate Life Sciences students! Your Instructional Improvement Grant helped Dr. Sharmila Venugopal develop and assess the new course, LS20 – Quantitative Concepts for the Life Sciences.