
  • MATLAB and XPPAUT code for proprioceptive sensory neuron with bursting dynamics (Deposited in ModelDB: MesVModel (PMID: 31226124).
  • MATLAB and XPPAUT code for spinal cord injury motor neuron model (Deposited in ModelDB: SCIMN (PMID: 21775715; 23730358)
  • MATLAB code for a motor pool model for isometric muscle force generation (PMID 25589764).
  • MATLAB code for simulating the Hill Muscle Model.
  • Astrocyte Ca2+ signal detection and analysis from real-time video recordings: GECIquant Image Analysis ImageJ Script and Manual (PMID: 25894291)
  • Quantification of synaptic terminals on neurons in immunofluorescently labeled images: IMMUNOquant Image Analysis ImageJ Script.

More coming soon….