MBIDP Student Seminar
Alex Sercel (Teitell Lab)
Alex Sercel (Teitell Lab)
“Single cell Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal the Dynamic Landscape of Acne Lesions" Mentor: Robert Modlin Zoom location: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/495870952?pwd=azh3N0RGNm9WdmhjT1gzbW11b2x4UT09 Please email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for password
MBIDP Happy Hour with Matilde Miranda ft. origami crafts No origami paper? No problem. Most paper is fine!! Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/94507919934?pwd=WmxFdVNaS1dNZExiemU5eUFiVi9MQT09 Email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for password
Tasha Lin (Rao Lab) Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93530902154?pwd=aldseDVjVG5vc01aQmMvMEsybVJuUT09 Please email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for password
Eta Atolia (Butte Lab) "Reverse engineering vaccine neoantigens"
"Stimulus-specificity of NFκB signaling in macrophages" Mentor: Alexander Hoffmann
"Combating isolation as a grad student" w/ Fay Lin Join via Zoom at: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99392326644?pwd=UitYMktGblp5N0Fvb1JXakFBWGV2UT09 Please email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for password
"Organizing work at home: Lessons from ADD/ADHD" by Siobhan Braybrook
Feiyang Ma (Pellegrini Lab)
"Discovery and development of small molecule sarcospan enhancers for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy" Mentor: Rachelle Crosbie-Watson Zoom location: https://uconline.zoom.us/j/235712900 Please email mbigrad@lifesci.ucla.edu for password