MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Danelle Devenport, Ph.D. | Hosted by Alvaro Sagasti
Zoom"Principals of Planar Cell Polarity: From Molecules to Morphogenesis” Danelle Devenport, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Molecular Biology Princeton University
MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Titia de Lange, Ph.D. | Hosted by Oliver Fregoso
Zoom"Telomere shortening: Why and How?" Titia de Lange, Ph.D. Leon Hess Professor American Cancer Society Professor Head of Laboratory of Cell Biology and Genetics Director, Anderson Center for Cancer Research The Rockefeller University
MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Sara Linse, Ph.D. | Hosted by David Eisenberg
Zoom"Secondary nucleation in amyloid formation" Sara Linse, Ph.D. Professor, Biochemistry and Structural Biology Lund University
MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Catriona Jamieson, M.D., Ph.D. | Hosted by Hilary Coller
Zoom“Malignant Deaminase Activation Drives Pre-Cancer Stem Cell Generation” Catriona Jamieson, M.D., Ph.D. Professor, Medicine, UC San Diego Koman Family Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer Research Director, Sanford Stem Cell Clinical Center Deputy Director, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Chief, Division of Regenerative Medicine Director, CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinic at UC San Diego Co-Leader, […]
MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Weizhe Hong, Ph.D.
Zoom“Understanding the Social Brain” Weizhe Hong, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Biological Chemistry, Neurobiology David Geffen School of Medicine University of California, Los Angeles
MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Guojun Bu, Ph.D. | Hosted by Chao Peng
Zoom"Pathobiology of APOE in Alzheimer’s disease” Guojun Bu, Ph.D. Mary Lowell Leary Professor and Chair, Department of Neuroscience Jorge and Leslie Bacardi Associate Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville
MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Sundeep Kalantry, Ph.D. | Hosted by Kathrin Plath
159 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA, United States"Tracing the Evolutionary Origins of X-chromosome Inactivation” Sundeep Kalantry, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Human Genetics University of Michigan
MBI Thursday Research Seminar | Katey Rayner, Ph.D., F.A.H.A. | Hosted by Tom Vallim
WebEx WebExKatey Rayner, PhD, FAHAAssociate ProfessorMember, College of the Royal Society of Canada Director, Biochemistry Graduate ProgramDepartment of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology Faculty of MedicineUniversity of Ottawa Heart Institute