MBI Thursday Research Seminar


"Molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating neuron-glial interactions" Kelly Monk, Ph.D. Senior Scientist and Co-Director Vollum Institute, Oregon Health and Sciences University

Marlin Touma, M.D., Ph.D.


Marlin Touma, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor-In-Residence, Pediatrics   All MBI Faculty Welcome

Mindful Movement with Raquel


Join Zoom Meeting https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93020609766?pwd=SjlSWWVBdGNlbVVVWVhBOVcvYjd6QT09 Meeting ID: 930 2060 9766 Passcode: 041973 One tap mobile +12133388477,,93020609766#,,,,*041973# US (Los Angeles) +16692192599,,93020609766#,,,,*041973# US (San Jose)

Robert Schiestl, Ph.D.


Robert Schiestl, Ph.D. Professor, Pathology, Environmental Health Sciences, Radiation Oncology

Marie Kmita, Ph.D. | Hosted by Samantha Butler


MBI Thursday Research Seminar “Pioneering digit development” Marie Kmita, Ph.D. Research Unit Director Laboratory of Genetics and Development Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal

Chao Peng, Ph.D.


Chao Peng, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Neurology

Yongsheng Shi, Ph.D. | Hosted by Douglas Black


MBI Thursday Research Seminar "Targeting mRNA 3’ end processing in cancer therapy" Yongsheng Shi, Ph.D. Professor, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics University of California, Irvine

Alexander Hoffmann, Ph.D.


Alexander Hoffmann, Ph.D. Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics