

Exploring sex differences in trajectories of pubertal development and mental health following early adversity

Ho TC, Buthmann JL, Chahal R, Miller JG, Gotlib IH. Psychoneuroendocrinology

Protocol for teen inflammation glutamate emotion research (TIGER): Toward predictors of treatment response and clinical course in depressed adolescents

Coury SM, López V, Bajwa Z, Garcia JM, Teresi GI, Kuhlman KR, Li Y, Cole S, Miklowitz DJ, Pappas I, Ho TC. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health

Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage and White Matter Microstructure of the Arcuate Fasciculus and Uncinate Fasciculus in Adolescents

Kulla A, Coury SM, Garcia JM, Teresi GI, Sisk LM, Hansen M, Miller JG, Gotlib IH, and Ho TC. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science


Early life stress, sleep disturbances, and depressive symptoms during adolescence: The role of the cingulum bundle

Uy JP, Ho TC, Buthmann JL, Coury SM, Gotlib IH. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Brain Maturation in Adolescents: Implications for Analyzing Longitudinal Data

Gotlib IH, Miller JG, Borchers LR, Coury SM, Costella LA, Garcia JM, Ho TC. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science

Early life stress moderates the relation between systemic inflammation and neural activation to reward in adolescents both cross-sectionally and longitudinally

Yuan JP, Coury SM, Ho TC, Gotlib IH. Neuropsychopharmacology

Preparation and processing of dried blood spots for microRNA sequencing

Morgunova A, Ibrahim P, Chen GG, Coury SM, Turecki G, Meaney MJ, Gifuni A, Gotlib IH, Nagy C, Ho TC. Biology Methods and Protocols

How Obstructed Action Efficacy Impacts Reward-based Decision-making in Adolescent Depression: An fMRI Study

Harlé KM, Ho TC, Connolly CG, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Integrating Biobehavioral and Environmental Components of Developmental Psychopathology via Interpersonal Dynamics: An RDoC-Advancing Model

Somers JA, Ho TC, Roubinov D, Lee SS. Research of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.

The effects of puberty and sex on adolescent white matter development: A systematic review

Pierkarski DJ, Colich NL, Ho TC. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

How Racial and Ethnic Discrimination Gets Under the Skin: Inflammatory Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adults of Color

Ho TC. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science


Early life stress, systemic inflammation, and neural correlates of implicit emotion regulation in adolescents

Yuan JP, Ho TC, Coury SM, Chahal R, Colich NL, Gotlib IH. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity

Social threat, fronto-cingulate-limbic morphometry, and symptom course in depressed adolescents: a longitudinal investigation 

Ojha A, Teresi GI, Slavich GM, Gotlib IH, Ho TC. Psychological Medicine

Longitudinal change in adolescent depression and anxiety symptoms from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic

Barendse MEA, Flannery J, Cavanagh C, Aristizabal M, Becker SP, Berger E, Breaux R, Campione-Barr N, Church JA, Crone EA, Dahl RE, Dennis-Tiwary TA, Dvorsky MR, Dziura SL, van de Groep S, Ho TC, Killoren SE, Langberg JM, Larguinho TL, Magis-Weinberg L, Michalska KJ, Mullins JL, Nadel H, Porter BM, Prinstein MJ, Redcay E, Rose AJ, Rote WM, Roy AK, Sweijen SW, Telzer EH, Teresi GI, Thomas GT, Pfeifer JH. Journal of Research on Adolescence

Heart rate variability moderates the effects of COVID-19-related stress and family adversity on emotional problems in adolescents: Testing models of differential susceptibility and diathesis stress 

Miller JG, Chahal R, Kirshenbaum JS, Ho TC, Gotlib IH. Development and Psychopathology

Editorial: Predicting Depression Risk in Adolescents from Multimodal Data: Current Evidence and Future Directions 

Ho TC. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

Multi-level predictors of depression symptoms in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study 

Ho TC, Shah R, Mishra J, May AC, Tapert SF. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Inflammatory cytokines and callosal white matter microstructure in adolescents

Ho TC, Kulla A, Teresi GI, Sisk LM, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Maecker HT, Gotlib IH. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity

Sex-specific vulnerability to depressive symptoms across adolescence and during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of the cingulum bundle

Chahal, R, Ho TC, Miller JG, Borchers LR, Gotlib IH. JCPP Advances


The effect of obstructed action efficacy on reward-based decision-making in healthy adolescents: a novel functional MRI task to assay frustration

Harlé KM, Ho TC, Connolly CG, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Cognitive, Affective, and & Behavioral Neuroscience 

Testing a Developmental Model of Positive Parenting, Amygdala–Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex Connectivity, and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Miller JG, Ho TC, Kirshenbaum JS, Chahal R, Gifuni AJ, Gotlib IH. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science

Mechanisms of neuroplasticity linking early adversity to depression: developmental considerations

Ho TC, King LS. Translational Psychiatry

Correlates and predictors of the severity of suicidal ideation in adolescence: an examination of brain connectomics and psychosocial characteristics

Kirshenbaum JS, Chahal R, Ho TC, King LS, Gifuni AJ, Mastrovito D, Coury SM, Weisenburger RL, Gotlib IH. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 

Sex differences in myelin content of white matter tracts in adolescents with depression

Ho TC, Sisk LM, Kulla A, Teresi GI, Hansen MM, Wu H, Gotlib IH. Neuropsychopharmacology

Editorial: Toward Neurobiological-Based Treatments of Depression and Anxiety: A Potential Case for the Nucleus Accumbens.

Ho TC. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Psychobiological risk factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescence: a consideration of the role of puberty

Ho TC, Gifuni AJ, Gotlib IH. Molecular Psychiatry 

Brain cortical and subcortical morphology in adolescents with depression and a history of suicide attempt.

Gifuni AJ, Chakravarty MM, Lepage M, Ho TC, Geoffroy MC, Lacourse E, Gotlib IH, Turecki G, Renaud J, Jollant F. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 

Higher Levels of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines Are Associated With Higher Levels of Glutamate in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Depressed Adolescents

Ho TC, Teresi GI, Segarra JR, Ojha A, Walker JC, Gu M, Spielman DM, Sacchet MD, Jiang F, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Maecker H, Gotlib IH. Frontiers in Psychiatry 

Sex differences in pubertal associations with fronto-accumbal white matter morphometry: Implications for understanding sensitivity to reward and punishment

Chahal R, Delevich K, Kirshenbaum JS, Borchers LR, Ho TC, Gotlib IH. NeuroImage

Greater age-related changes in white matter morphometry following early life stress: Associations with internalizing problems in adolescence

Chahal R, Kirshenbaum JS, Ho TC, Mastrovito D, Gotlib IH. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 

White-matter tract connecting anterior insula to nucleus accumbens predicts greater future motivation in adolescents

Leong JK, Ho TC, Colich NL, Sisk L, Knutson B, Gotlib IH. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 

Smaller caudate gray matter volume is associated with greater implicit suicidal ideation in depressed adolescents

Ho TC, Teresi GI, Ojha A, Walker JC, Kirshenbaum JS, Singh MK, Gotlib IH. Journal of Affective Disorders

Default mode and salience network alterations in suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in adolescents with depression

Ho TC, Walker JC, Teresi GI, Kulla A, Kirshenbaum JS, Gifuni AJ, Singh MK, Gotlib IH. Translational Psychiatry 


Study Protocol for Teen Inflammation Glutamate Emotion Research (TIGER)

Walker JC, Teresi GI, Weisenburger RL, Segarra JR, Ojha A, Kulla A, Sisk L, Gu M, Spielman DM, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Maecker HT, Gotlib IH, Ho TC. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 

Early Life Stress, Frontoamygdala Connectivity, and Biological Aging in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Investigation.

Miller JG, Ho TC, Humphreys KL, King LS, Foland-Ross LC, Colich NL, Ordaz SJ, Lin J, Gotlib IH. Cerebral Cortex

Sex differences in the effects of gonadal hormones on white matter microstructure development in adolescence.

Ho TC, Colich NL, Sisk LM, Oskirko K, Jo B, Gotlib IH. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 

Higher Executive Control Network Coherence Buffers Against Puberty-Related Increases in Internalizing Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic

 Chahal R, Kirshenbaum JS, Miller JG, Ho TC, Gotlib IH. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 


Stress and Neurodevelopment in Adolescent Depression.

Ho TC. Biological Psychiatry

Early life stress, cortisol, frontolimbic connectivity, and depressive symptoms during puberty.

Kircanski K, Sisk LM, Ho TC, Humphreys KL, King LS, Colich NL, Ordaz SJ, Gotlib IH. Developmental Psychopathology 

Longitudinal Decreases in Suicidal Ideation are Associated With Increases in Salience Network Coherence in Depressed Adolescents.

Jaclyn Schwartz, Tiffany Ho, Sarah Ordaz, Ian Gotlib. Biological Psychiatry 

Sensitive Periods of Stress and Adolescent Amygdala–Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity: A Longitudinal Investigation.

Tiffany Ho, Kathryn Humphreys, Lucy King, Natalie Colich, Jaclyn Schwartz, Kyoko Ohashi, Martin Teicher, Ian Gotlib. Biological Psychiatry 

Anxiety and Attentional Bias in Children with Specific Learning Disorders.

Haft SL, Duong PH, Ho TC, Hendren RL, Hoeft F. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 

Resting-state functional connectivity and inflexibility of daily emotions in major depression.

Schwartz J, Ordaz SJ, Kircanski K, Ho TC, Davis EG, Camacho MC, Gotlib IH. Journal of Affective Disorders

Test-Retest Reliability of Graph Theoretic Metrics in Adolescent Brains.

Yuan JP, Henje Blom E, Flynn T, Chen Y, Ho TC, Connolly CG, Dumont Walter RA, Yang TT, Xu D, Tymofiyeva O. Brain Connectivity

Evidence for a sensitive period in the effects of early life stress on hippocampal volume. 

Humphreys KL, King LS, Sacchet MD, Camacho MC, Colich NL, Ordaz SJ, Ho TC, Gotlib IH. Developmental Science 

Reward-circuit biomarkers of risk and resilience in adolescent depression.

Fischer AS, Ellwood-Lowe ME, Colich NL, Cichocki A, Ho TC, Gotlib IH. Journal of Affective Disorders 

Longitudinal decreases in suicidal ideation are associated with increases in salience network coherence in depressed adolescents.

Schwartz J, Ordaz SJ, Ho TC, Gotlib IH. Journal of Affective Disorders 


Reduced dorsal striatal gray matter volume predicts implicit suicidal ideation in adolescents.

Ho TC, Cichocki AC, Gifuni AJ, Catalina Camacho M, Ordaz SJ, Singh MK, Gotlib IH. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 

An exploratory examination of reappraisal success in depressed adolescents: Preliminary evidence of functional differences in cognitive control brain regions

LeWinn KZ, Strigo IA, Connolly CG, Ho TC, Tymofiyeva O, Sacchet MD, Weng HY, Blom EH, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Journal of Affective Disorders

Network-based approaches to examining stress in the adolescent brain.

Ho TC, Dennis EL, Thompson PM, Gotlib IH. Neurobiology of Stress

Neural Markers of Resilience in Adolescent Females at Familial Risk for Major Depressive Disorder.

Fischer AS, Camacho MC, Ho TC, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Gotlib IH. JAMMA Psychiatry 

Differing Windows of Sensitivity to Stress in Amygdala-Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Structural and Functional Connectivity: Implications for the Neurobiology of Depression in Youth.

Ho TC, Humphreys K, King L, Colich N, Schwartz J, Leong J, Ohashi K, Teicher M, Gotlib IH. Biological Psychiatry 

High levels of mitochondrial DNA are associated with adolescent brain structural hypoconnectivity and increased anxiety but not depression.

Tymofiyeva O, Henje Blom E, Ho TC, Connolly CG, Lindqvist D, Wolkowitz OM, Lin J, LeWinn KZ, Sacchet MD, Han LKM, Yuan JP, Bhandari SP, Xu D, Yang TT. Journal of Affective Disorders 

Preferences for Depression Help-Seeking Among Vietnamese American Adults.

Kim-Mozeleski JE, Tsoh JY, Gildengorin G, Cao LH, Ho T, Kohli S, Lam H, Wong C, Stewart S, McPhee SJ, Nguyen TT. Community Mental Health Journal 

Network basis of suicidal ideation in depressed adolescents

Ordaz SJ, Goyer MS, Ho TC, Singh MK, Gotlib IH. Journal of Affective Disorders 


The association between early life stress and prefrontal cortex activation during implicit emotion regulation is moderated by sex in early adolescence.

Colich NL, Williams ES, Ho TC, King LS, Humphreys KL, Price AN, Ordaz SJ, Gotlib IH. Development and Psychopathology 

Toward an Improved Understanding of Corticobasal Ganglia Reward Circuitry in Adolescent Depression.

Ho TC, Auerbach RP. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

Effects of sensitivity to life stress on uncinate fasciculus segments in early adolescence. 

Ho TC, King LS, Leong JK, Colich NL, Humphreys KL, Ordaz SJ, Gotlib IH. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 

Like mother like daughter: putamen activation as a mechanism underlying intergenerational risk for depression.

Colich NL, Ho TC, Ellwood-Lowe ME, Foland-Ross LC, Sacchet MD, LeMoult JL, Gotlib IH. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 

Hyperactivation in Cognitive Control and Visual Attention Brain Regions During Emotional Interference in Adolescent Depression.

Colich NL, Ho TC, Foland-Ross LC, Eggleston C, Ordaz SJ, Singh MK, Gotlib IH. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

Inflexible Functional Connectivity of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder. 

Ho TC, Sacchet MD, Connolly CG, Margulies DS, Tymofiyeva O, Paulus MP, Simmons AN, Gotlib IH, Yang TT. Neuropsychopharmacology 

Resting-state functional connectivity of the amygdala and longitudinal changes in depression severity in adolescent depression.

Connolly CG, Ho TC, Blom EH, LeWinn KZ, Sacchet MD, Tymofiyeva O, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Journal of Affective Disorders

DTI-based connectome analysis of adolescents with major depressive disorder reveals hypoconnectivity of the right caudate.

Tymofiyeva O, Connolly CG, Ho TC, Sacchet MD, Henje Blom E, LeWinn KZ, Xu D, Yang TT. Journal of Affective Disorders


Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of a Novel RDoC-Based Treatment Program for Adolescent Depression: “Training for Awareness Resilience and Action” (TARA)-A Pilot Study.

Henje Blom E, Tymofiyeva O, Chesney MA, Ho TC, Moran P, Connolly CG, Duncan LG, Baldini L, Weng HY, Acree M, Goldman V, Hecht FM, Yang TT. Frontiers in Psychiatry

Intergenerational Neuroimaging of Human Brain Circuitry.

 Ho TC, Sanders SJ, Gotlib IH, Hoeft F. Trends in Neuroscience 

Large-Scale Hypoconnectivity Between Resting-State Functional Networks in Unmedicated Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder.

Sacchet MD, Ho TC, Connolly CG, Tymofiyeva O, Lewinn KZ, Han LK, Blom EH, Tapert SF, Max JE, Frank GK, Paulus MP, Simmons AN, Gotlib IH, Yang TT. Neuropsychopharmacology 

Fusiform Gyrus Dysfunction is Associated with Perceptual Processing Efficiency to Emotional Faces in Adolescent Depression: A Model-Based Approach.

Ho TC, Zhang S, Sacchet MD, Weng H, Connolly CG, Henje Blom E, Han LK, Mobayed NO, Yang TT. Frontiers in Psychology

The neuroscience and context of adolescent depression.

Henje Blom E, Ho TC, Connolly CG, LeWinn KZ, Sacchet MD, Tymofiyeva O, Weng HY, Yang TT. Acta Paediatrica


Peripheral telomere length and hippocampal volume in adolescents with major depressive disorder.

Henje Blom E, Han LK, Connolly CG, Ho TC, Lin J, LeWinn KZ, Simmons AN, Sacchet MD, Mobayed N, Luna ME, Paulus M, Epel ES, Blackburn EH, Wolkowitz OM, Yang TT. Translational Psychiatry 

Altered insular activation and increased insular functional connectivity during sad and happy face processing in adolescent major depressive disorder.

Henje Blom E, Connolly CG, Ho TC, LeWinn KZ, Mobayed N, Han L, Paulus MP, Wu J, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Journal of Affective Disorders 

Emotion-Dependent Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Adolescent Depression.

Ho TC, Connolly CG, Henje Blom E, LeWinn KZ, Strigo IA, Paulus MP, Frank G, Max JE, Wu J, Chan M, Tapert SF, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Biological Psychiatry 


The development of an RDoC-based treatment program for adolescent depression: “Training for Awareness, Resilience, and Action” (TARA).

Henje Blom E, Duncan LG, Ho TC, Connolly CG, LeWinn KZ, Chesney M, Hecht FM, Yang TT. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 

White matter correlates of adolescent depression: structural evidence for frontolimbic disconnectivity.

LeWinn KZ, Connolly CG, Wu J, Drahos M, Hoeft F, Ho TC, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 

Variability in visual working memory ability limits the efficiency of perceptual decision making.

Ester EF, Ho TC, Brown SD, Serences JT. Journal of Vision

Functional connectivity of negative emotional processing in adolescent depression. 

Ho TC, Yang G, Wu J, Cassey P, Brown SD, Hoang N, Chan M, Connolly CG, Henje-Blom E, Duncan LG, Chesney MA, Paulus MP, Max JE, Patel R, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Journal of Affective Disorders 


Resting-state functional connectivity of subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in depressed adolescents.

Connolly CG, Wu J, Ho TC, Hoeft F, Wolkowitz O, Eisendrath S, Frank G, Hendren R, Max JE, Paulus MP, Tapert SF, Banerjee D, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Biological Psychiatry 

Altered cerebral perfusion in executive, affective, and motor networks during adolescent depression.

Ho TC, Wu J, Shin DD, Liu TT, Tapert SF, Yang G, Connolly CG, Frank GK, Max JE, Wolkowitz O, Eisendrath S, Hoeft F, Banerjee D, Hood K, Hendren RL, Paulus MP, Simmons AN, Yang TT. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 


Target enhancement and distractor suppression in naturalistic visual search.

Ho TC, Ester EF. The Journal of Neuroscience 

Perceptual consequences of feature-based attentional enhancement and suppression.

Ho TC, Brown S, Abuyo NA, Ku EH, Serences JT. Journal of Vision

Evidence TRPV4 contributes to mechanosensitive ion channels in mouse skeletal muscle fibers.

Ho TC, Horn NA, Huynh T, Kelava L, Lansman JB. Channels

The optimality of sensory processing during the speed-accuracy tradeoff.

Ho T, Brown S, van Maanen L, Forstmann BU, Wagenmakers EJ, Serences JT. The Journal of Neuroscience