
EEB 161: Plant Ecology

Plants are a key component of most terrestrial ecosystems, and in part because of this many important theories used in general ecology have been developed specifically with plants in mind. Plant Ecology is a one-quarter introduction to foundational principles and theory in ecology, with a particular emphasis on the ecology of terrestrial plants, and the use of these principles to predict the consequences and uncertainties associated with human-caused changes in the environment. (Upper division undergraduate)

EEB 200: Ecology

I teach part of the core course series for first year doctoral students in EEB. The course section I Iead explores both foundational and cutting-edge research across the field of ecology, with an eye towards understanding how scientists in EEB identify compelling, transformative research questions. Students practice developing  compelling research questions and proposals, hone quantitative research skills in R, and have a chance to refine oral presentation skills.

EEB 250: Professional Skills for Biological Research

A required course for first year doctoral students in EEB, focused on scientific writing and presentation skills, ethics, mentoring, and exploration of career paths both inside academia and beyond.