How We Work

Our goal is to create an environment where we can all show up, as best we can, to do amazing science together and learn together (an inclusive lab).


In order to do that, we have regular discussions about our Lab Values and set up Agreements (with each other and ourselves) so that we can work according to those values.

In our more recent discussion of Lab Values, we went through a process modeled after this process from the CLEAR Lab. Through that process we came up with:

The Seven Seas:

Community & Collaboration

Care & Celebration

Conscious Construction & Change

In our most recent discussions, we have been reflecting on how we have felt these values recently and focusing on which we would like to pay more attention to in the near future. 

Our current Lab Agreements are as follows (updated Spring 2023):

To center joy in our practice.
To respect each other, always; separate the person from the actions.
Step up, step back (be aware of how much space you are and are not claiming).
To collaborate instead of compete; there is enough space for all.
To ask for the input we need & provide input as asked.
To ask questions when we have them.
To be generous with ourselves & each other (believe everyone is doing their best).
To give each other the benefit of the doubt (assume good intentions).
To listen with as much care as we would like to be heard; Listen to understand (vs. to respond)
To communicate about our discomfort (‘Ouch’); To talk about issues when they come up (when we can).
To believe each other about discomfort & learn (‘Oops’)
Set aside judgment & trust others to do the same.
To encourage ourselves & each other, scientifically and personally.
To hold ourselves & each other accountable: when you know better, you do better.
To try and be our best selves, and recognize that there is no final ‘best’.
We are here to get it right, not to be right.