Ready for the Rainforest

Hello everyone. My name is Vivien and I am a third year biology student at UCLA. Since my freshman year at UCLA I have been looking forward to applying for the Field Biology Quarter, and I became even more excited when I found out that the study site was a tropical rainforest in Nicaragua. Upon receiving my interview and then finding out that I was chosen to be a part of this experience, I have been counting downs the months, weeks, and now approaching days until the trip. Even though the actual departure date is not until January 27, my bright orange hiking backpack has been packed since Christmas with everything I need for this expedition, including a insect-repelling bandana and my friend’s Go Pro camera, which I have promised to return in one piece.

I hope that with this trip I will be able to find my true passion. To me it’s not just a resume booster or another activity to list on an application. It is a step towards finding out what I want to do for the rest of my life, and therefore truly finding myself. Who knows, maybe studying dung beetles in the Rainforest is the exact place to find such a revelation. So, with this blog, my promise to you is that I will record every thought, feeling, and groundbreaking scientific discovery I make during this trip. Sometimes memories are more special when you get to share them with someone, and this way, it will be as if you were right beside me experiencing the same journey. Stay tuned!