21 Days

It takes 21 days to make an action a habit. Just 21 days to engrain something into your mind. After 21 days you won’t have to actively think about performing a certain action. It will become passive action, an absent minded action. After 21 days, it will become a natural part of your daily routine.

As our time in Refugio Bartola comes to a close, after 21 days ironically, I have experienced how actions that seemed so abnormal to me on day one have become a part of my daily routine. As a reflection of my time spent in the rainforest, I have decided to focus on 21 things that have become a habit. 21 things that are now engrained in my memory. 21 things I will never forget.

  1. Tethering a dragonfly in less than 30 seconds.
  2. Being content with putting on slightly damp clothes every day.
  3. Knowing how to get my sunken boot out of mud that comes up to my knee.
  4. Avoiding bullet ants at any cost. Or any bugs larger than my pinky finger for that matter.
  5. Knowing how to get numerous termites off my backpack after I absentmindedly put it on a huge termite trail.
  6. Having no phone or internet access and loving every second of it.
  7. When losing my footing fighting the split-second response to grab the nearest tree next to me since they usually have very long, sharp spines on their bark.
  8. Having the stamina to hike almost 6 miles every day, in addition to realizing it’s alright to just sit down in the mud when the trails gets too hard to maneuver.
  9. Learning how to identify and catch strawberry frogs.
  10. Using numbers and colors of trail markers to know exactly where I am.
  11. Knowing how to maneuver up very steep slopes only using the vines in the mud as grips for my feet.
  12. Following a troop of monkeys, regardless of where they take me.
  13. Recruiting three girls to remove large insects, including a five-inch long praying mantids from our room.
  14. Being able to identify the animal by its eye-shine.
  15. Having to revise my classification of small, medium, and large spiders. Black widows at home are tiny compared to the spiders I have seen here.
  16. Watching my step on muddy trails to avoid stepping on turtles.
  17. Avoiding hummingbirds and bats that come really close to crashing into my face at full speed.
  18. Knowing what trees to stand under when it starts pouring buckets during our experiments.
  19. Clearing spider webs from trails without having the spider swing into my face or on my clothes.
  20. Avoid spraying DEET too close to my mouth since it turns my lips numb.
  21. Not screaming when something starts crawling in my hair. Or in my shirt, pants, and boots.

So there we have it. 21 things I will never forget. Habits I hopefully will be able to use again sometime soon.