21 Lessons

Although the days are very long here in Nicaragua, the last 3 weeks have come and gone quite fast. While I’ve traveled a good amount in the last couple years, this experience was like none of the others. Below is a list of 21 things I’ve learned during my time here.

  1. I am no longer a member of the arachnophobia club
  2. Hammocks are a great idea until you fall asleep in them at night and mosquitoes attack you
  3. Never ever say no to leftovers
  4. Bring a light source into the bathroom at night, as the generator may and probably will turn off during a shower
  5. Embrace the humidity and mud of the rainforest and the trails
  6. A compass and knee high boots were the best investment I’ve ever made
  7. Anti-malaria pills will induce strange, eerie nightmares
  8. Positivity will go a long way and is contagious
  9. Spiders back at home are quite small and harmless
  10. Having no phone around is freedom
  11. Bring an extra mp3 player, as you never know when yours will break the second you get on the plane
  12. Bring lots and lots of trail mix and a big jar of peanut butter next time you travel
  13. A giant toad is probably hiding in the scary crevice you’re searching, and you will definitely think it’s a leaf
  14. The under story is thick with vegetation beyond imagination
  15. Canoe rides down the Rio Bartola at night are always a good idea
  16. Time management is key to a field research project
  17. Seeing a sloth in the wild is a dream come true
  18. I know very little about how natural behaviors actually function
  19. Identifying birds is fun
  20. I can successfully wake up from my watch beeping while wearing ear plugs
  21. If you see a bullet ant nest, start running

The rainforest is an incredible place, and any words I have will not do it justice, but these lessons learned I will bring back home. I’m very grateful for such a life changing experience in such a location full of life and serenity.