Back to Reality

Emily's gopro group shot
Emily’s gopro group shot

Being back home has definitely made me reflect about my time in Nicaragua. I feel that we were so busy while we were there that there was really no time to just sit down and take a breather. I think my one outlet of letting everything spill about how I was feeling or what happened that day was writing in my journal every night. I have been reading some of the entries I wrote while I was there and it felt like I was going way back in time years ago when it was really just about a week ago.  Also, I’m so happy that I was able to bring a GoPro to Nicaragua (quick shout out to Victoria for being the kindest best friend and letting me borrow it!). Last night, I finally downloaded all the videos and pictures and I was having so much fun being able to replay some of those memories. It was also very heartwarming to see how much we evolved as a group. In the first video you see how everyone is still getting comfortable with each other, politely waving at the camera. On the last video, people are jumping across the camera, making the silliest of faces, singing, laughing, hugging, and taking pictures with one another. I’m glad I was able to meet such a great group of people.

I think the biggest thing about being back has been seeing how it’s the little things that matter. For example, for the whole time we were there it was always cold showers. The first hot shower I took at home honestly felt like heaven. Being able to use conditioner and actually be able to brush my hair was amazing. Having a laundry machine that thoroughly washes your clothes is such a privilege. I’m so happy that I am now able to value these things more. I think trips like these are important because sometimes we get so caught up living in such a fast-paced society that we forget to cherish the little things.

In whole, this trip was far from what I expected it to be. When they say you do field work every day, they literally mean every day. What are weekends? When they say you really get to know the 15 other students, they are not lying. When they say you will get frustrated with your project, it’s definitely true. And when they say this experience will be one of the highlights of your undergrad career, there couldn’t be a truer statement.