2025 and in press
221. Baird A, Taylor SH, Pasquet-Kok J, Vuong C, Zhang Y, Watcharamongkol T, Cochard H, Scoffoni C, Edwards EJ, Osborne CP, Sack L. 2025. Resolving the contrasting leaf hydraulic adaptation of C3 and C4 grasses. New Phytologist 245, 1924-1939. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.20341 pdf Supporting Information
220. Liu C, Sack L, Baird AS, Li Y, Zhang J, Yu K, Yu G, He N. 2025. Reply to: “Differences between monocot and eudicot stomata shape may influence relationships between stomatal traits and the environment”. Nature Communications, in press.
219. Ma Z, Buckley TN, Sack L. 2025. The determination of leaf size on the basis of developmental traits. New Phytologist, in press.
218. Medeiros CD, Trueba S, Henry C, Fletcher LR, Lutz JA, Méndez-Alonzo R, Kraft NJB, Sack L. 2025. Simplification of woody plant trait networks among communities along a climatic aridity gradient. Journal of Ecology, in press.
217. Zailaa J, Trueba S, Browne MG, Fletcher LR, Buckley TN, Brodersen C, Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2025. Sensitive hydraulic and stomatal decline in extreme drought tolerant species of California Ceanothus. Plant, Cell & Environment 48, 1555-1573. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.15208 pdf Supporting Information
216. Baird AS, Medeiros CD, Caringella MA, Bowers J, Hii M, Liang J, Matsuda J, Pisipati K, Pohl C, Simon B, Tagaryan S, Buckley TN, Sack L. 2024. How and why do species break a developmental trade-off? Elucidating the association of trichomes and stomata across species. American Journal of Botany 111, e16328. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.16328. pdf Supporting Information
215. Baird AS, Taylor SH, Reddi S, Pasquet-Kok J, Vuong C, Zhang Y, Watcharamongkol T, John GP, Scoffoni C, Osborne CP, Sack L. 2024. Allometries of cell and tissue anatomy and photosynthetic rate across leaves of C3 and C4 grasses. Plant, Cell & Environment 47, 156-173. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14741. pdf Supporting Information
214. Binks O, Meir P, Konings AG, Cernusak L, Christoffersen BO, Anderegg WRL, Wood JD, Sack L, Martinez-Vilalta J, Mencuccini M. 2024. A theoretical framework to quantify ecosystem pressure-volume relationships. Global Change Biology 30:e17567. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17567. pdf Supporting Information
213. Buckley TN, Sack L. 2024. Resolving micro-scale water potential gradients within leaves. Journal of Plant Hydraulics 10, e-001. https://doi.org/10.20870/jph.2024. pdf
212. Ochoa ME, Henry C, John GP, Medeiros CD, Pan R, Scoffoni C, Buckley TN, Sack L. 2024. Pinpointing the causal influences of stomatal anatomy and behavior on minimum, operational, and maximum leaf surface conductance. Plant Physiology 196, 51-66. https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae292. pdf Supplementary Data
211. Wood JD, Detto M, Browne M, Kraft NJB, Konings AG, Fisher JB, Quetin GR, Trugman AT, Magney TS, Medeiros CD, Vinod N, Buckley TN, Sack L. 2024. The ecosystem as super-organ/ism, revisited: scaling hydraulics to forests under climate change. Integrative and Comparative Biology 64, 424-440. https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/icae073. pdf
210. Beckett HAA, Neeman T, Fuenzalida TI, Bryant C, Latorre SC, Ovington LI, Sack L. Meir P, Ball MC. 2023. Ghosts of dry seasons past: Legacy of severe drought enhances mangrove salinity tolerance through coordinated cellular osmotic and elastic adjustments. Plant, Cell & Environment 46, 2031–2045. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14604. pdf Supporting Information
209. Browne M, Bartlett MK, Henry C, Jarrahi M, John GP, Scoffoni C, Yardimci NT, Sack L. 2023. Low baseline intraspecific variation in leaf pressure-volume traits: biophysical basis and implications for spectroscopic sensing. Physiologia Plantarum 175, e13974. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13974. pdf Supporting Information
208. Delavaux CS, LaManna JA, Myers JA, Phillips RP, Aguilar S, Allen D, Alonso A, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Baker ME, Baltzer JL, Bissiengou P, Bonfim M, Bourg NA, Brockelman WY, Burslem DFRP, Chang L-W, Chen Y, Chiang J-M, Chu C, Cloay K, Cordell S, Cortese M, den Ouden J, Dick C, Ediriweera S, Ellis EC, Feistner A, Freestone AL, Giambelluca T, Giardina CP, Gilbert GS, He F, Holik J, Howe RW, Huasca WH, Hubbell SP, Inman F, Jansen PA, Johnson DJ, Kral K, Larson AJ, Litton CM, Lutz JA, Malhbi Y, McGuire K, McMahon SM, McShea WJ, Memiaghe H, Nathalang A, Norden N, Novotny V, O’Brien MJ, Orwig DA, Ostertag R, Parker GG, Perez R, Reynolds G, Russo SE, Sack L, Samonil P, Sun I-F, Swanson ME, Thompson J, Uriarte M, Vandermeer J, Wang X, Ware I, Weiblen GD, Wolf A, Wu S-H, Zimmmerman JK, Lauber T, Maynard DS, Crowther TW, Averill C. 2023. Mycorrhizal feedbacks influence global forest structure and diversity. Communications Biology 6, 1066. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-023-05410-z. pdf Supplementary Information
207. Fortunel C, Stahl C, Coste S, Ziegler C, Derroire G, Levionnois S, Maréchaux I, Bonal D, Hérault B, Wagner FH, Sack L, Chave J, Heuret P, Jansen S, John G, Scoffoni C, Trueba S, Bartlett MK. 2023. Thresholds for persistent leaf photochemical damage predict plant drought resilience in a tropical rainforest. New Phytologist 239, 576-591. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18973. pdf Supporting Information
206. He N, Yan P, Liu C, Li X, Li M, Van Meerbeek K, Zhou G, Zhou G, Liu S, Zhou X, Li S, Niu S, Han X, Buckley TN, Sack L, Yu G. 2023. Predicting ecosystem productivity based on plant community traits. Trends in Plant Sciences 28, 43-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2022.08.015. pdf Supplemental Information
205. Liu C, Sack L, Li Y, Zhang J, Yu K, Zhang Q, He N, Yu G. 2023. Relationships of stomatal morphology to environment across plant communities. Nature Communications 14, 6629. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-42136-2. pdf Supplementary Information
204. Medeiros CD, Henry C, Trueba S, Anghel I, Díaz de León Guerrero SD, Pivovaroff A, Fletcher LR, John GP, Lutz JA, Mendez Alonzo R, Sack L. 2023. Predicting plant species climate preferences on the basis of mechanistic traits. Functional Ecology 37, 2786-2808. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14422. pdf Supporting Information
- Functional Ecologists: The official blog of Functional Ecology. 2023. Behind the paper: “Camila Medeiros: What are you doing in a place like this?” Connecting plants’ climate preferences with functional traits”. link
203. Scoffoni C, Albuquerque C, Buckley TN, Sack L. 2023. The dynamic multi-functionality of leaf water transport outside the xylem. New Phytologist 239, 2099–2107. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19069. pdf
202. Verslues PE, Bailey-Serres J, Brodersen C, Buckley TN, Conti L, Christmann A, Dinneny JR, Grill E, Hayes S, Heckman RW, Hsu P-K, Juenger TE, Mas P, Munnik T, Nelissen H, Sack L, Schroeder JI, Testerink C, Tyerman SD, Umezawa T, Wigge P. 2023. Burning questions for a warming and changing world: 15 unknowns in plant abiotic stress. The Plant Cell 35, 67-108. https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac263. pdf
201. Vinod N, Slot M, McGregor IR, Ordway EM, Smith MN, Taylor TC, Sack L, Buckley TN, Anderson-Teixeira KJ. 2023. Tansley Review: Thermal sensitivity across forest vertical profiles: patterns, mechanisms, and ecological implications. New Phytologist 237, 22-47. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18539. pdf Supporting Information
200. Wolfe BT, Detto M, Zhang Y-J, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Brodribb T, Collins AD, Crawford C, Turin Dickman L, Ely KS, Francisco J, Gurry PD, Hancock H, King CT, Majekobaje AR, Mallett CJ, McDowell NG, Mendheim Z, Michaletz ST, Myers DB, Price TJ, Rogers A, Sack L, Serbin SP, Siddiq Z, Willis D, Wu J, Zailaa J, Wright SJ. 2023. Leaves as bottlenecks: The contribution of tree leaves to hydraulic resistance within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Plant, Cell & Environment 46, 736-746. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14524. pdf Supporting Information
199. Wood JD, Gu L, Hanson PJ, Frankenberg C, Sack L. 2023. The ecosystem wilting point defines drought response and recovery of a Quercus-Carya forest. Global Change Biology 29, 2015-2029. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16582. pdf Supporting Information
198. Diaz S, …, Sack L, …, Gerhard Zotz (147 authors total), 2022. The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset. Scientific Data 9, 755. pdf Supplementary Information
197. Fletcher L, Scoffoni C, Farrell C, Buckley TN, Pellegrini M, Sack L. 2022. Testing the association of relative growth rate and adaptation to climate across natural ecotypes of Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 236, 413-432. pdf Supporting Information
196. Li Y, Liu C, Sack L, Li X, Li M, Zhang J, He N. 2022. Leaf trait network architecture shifts with species-richness and climate across forests at continental scale. Ecology Letters 25, 1442-1457. pdf Supporting Information
195. Liu C, Sack L, He N. 2022. Contrasting adaptation and optimization of stomatal traits across communities at continental-scale. Journal of Experimental Botany 73, 6405–6416. pdf Supplementary Data
194. Panescu PH, Browne M, Chen KK, Sack L, Maynard HD. 2022. Effects of trehalose and polyacrylate-based hydrogels on tomato growth under drought. AoB Plants 14, 1-10. pdf Supplementary Data
193. Piponiot C, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Davies SJ, Allen D, Bourg NA, Burslem DFRP, Cárdenas D, Chang-Yang C-H, Chuyong G, Cordell S, Dattaraja HS, Duque Á, Ediriweera S, Ewango C, Ezedin Z, Filip J, Giardina C, Howe R, Hsieh, C-F, Hubbell S, Inman-Narahari FM, Itoh A, Janik D, Kenfack D, Kral K, Lutz JA, Makana J-R, McMahon S, McShea W, Mi X, Mohamad M, Novotny V, O’Brien MJ, Ostertag R, Parker G, Pérez R, Ren H-B, Reynolds G, Sabri MDM, Sack L, Shringi A, Su S-H, Sukumar R, Sun I-F, Suresh HS, Thomas DW, Thompson J, Uriarte M, Vandermeer J, Wang Y, Ware IM, Weiblen GD, Whitfeld TJS, Wolf Amy, Yao TL, Yu M, Yuan Z, Zimmerman JK, Zuleta D, Muller-Landau HC. 2022. Distribution of biomass dynamics in relation to tree size in forests across the world. New Phytologist 234, 1664–1677. pdf Supporting Information
- Commentary by Pieter A. Zuidema and Peter van der Sleen. 2022. Seeing the forest through the trees: how tree-level measurements can help understand forest dynamics. New Phytologist 234, 1544-1546. pdf
192. Rodriguez-Dominguez CM, Forner A, Martorell S, Choat B, Lopez R, Peters JMR, Pfautsch S, Mayr S, Carins Murphy MR, McAdam SAM, Richardson F, Diaz-Espejo A, Hernandez-Santana V, Menezes-Silva PE, Torres-Ruiz JM, Batz T, Sack L. 2022. Leaf water potential measurements using the pressure chamber: synthetic testing of assumptions towards best practices for precision and accuracy. Plant, Cell & Environment 45, 2037–2061. pdf Supporting Information
191. Sartori K, Violle C, Vile D, Vasseur F, de Villemereuil P, Bresson J, Gillespie L, Fletcher LR, Sack L, Kazakou E. 2022. Do leaf nitrogen resorption dynamics align with the slow-fast continuum? A test at the intraspecific level. Functional Ecology 36, 1315–1328. pdf Supporting Information
190. Vargas GG, Kunert N, Hammond WH, Berry ZC, Werden LK, Smith-Martin CM, Wolfe BT, Toro L, Mondragón-Botero A, Pinto-Ledezma J, Schwartz NB, Uriarte M, Sack L, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Powers JS. 2022. Leaf habit affects the distribution of drought sensitivity but not water transport efficiency in the tropics. Ecology Letters 25, 2367-2650. pdf Supporting Information
189. Ware IM, Ostertag R, Cordell S, Giardina CP, Sack L, Medeiros CD, Inman F, Litton CM, Giambelluca T, John GP, Scoffoni C. 2022. Multi-stemmed habit in trees contributes climate resilience in tropical dry forest. Sustainability 14, 6779. pdf Supplementary Material
188. Yao Y, Joetzjer E, Ciais P, Viovy N, Aleina FC, Chave J, Sack L, Bartlett M, Meir P, Fisher R, Luyssaert S. 2022. Forest fluxes and mortality response to drought: model description (ORCHIDEE-CAN-NHA, r7236) and evaluation at the Caxiuanã drought experiment. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 15, 7809–7833. pdf Supplement
187. Baird AS, Taylor SH, Pasquet-Kok J, Vuong C, Zhang Y, Watcharamongkol T, Scoffoni C, Edwards EJ, Christin P-A, Osborne CP, Sack L. 2021. Developmental and biophysical determinants of grass leaf size worldwide. Nature 5902, 242-247. pdf Supplementary Information
186. Beikircher B, Sack L, Ganthaler A, Losso A, Mayr S. 2021. Hydraulic-stomatal coordination in tree seedlings: tight correlation across environments and ontogeny in Acer pseudoplatanus. New Phytologist 232, 1297-1310. pdf Supporting Information
185. Bryant C, Fuenzalida TI, Brothers N, Mencuccini M, Sack L, Binks O, Ball MC. 2021. Shifting access to pools of shoot water sustains gas exchange and increases stem hydraulic safety during seasonal atmospheric drought. Plant, Cell & Environment, 44, 2898-2911. pdf Supporting Information
184. Chitra-Tarak R, Xu C, Aguilar S, Anderson-Teixeira K, Chambers J, Detto M, Faybishenko B, Fisher RA, Knox R, Koven C, Kueppers L, Kunert N, Kupers SJ, McDowell NG, Newman BD, Paton SR, Perez R, Ruiz L, Sack L, Warren JM, Wolfe BT, Wright C, Wright SJ, Zailaa J, McMahon SM. 2021. Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest. New Phytologist 231, 1798-1813. pdf Supporting Information
183. Coopman RE, Nguyen H, Mencuccini M, Oliveira R, Sack L, Lovelock C, Ball M. 2021. Harvesting water from unsaturated atmospheres: deliquescence of salt secreted onto leaf surfaces drives reverse sap flow in a dominant arid climate mangrove, Avicennia marina. New Phytologist 231, 1401-1414. pdf Supporting Information
182. Davies SJ, Abiem I, Abu Salim K, Aguilar S, Allen D, Alonso A, Anderson-Teixeira K, Andrade A, Arellano G, Ashton PS, Baker PS, Baker ME, Baltzer JL, Basse Y, Bissiengou P, Bohlman S, Bourg NA, Brockelman WY, Bunyavejchewin S, Burslem DFRP, Cao M, Cárdenas D, Chang L-W, Chang-Yang C-H, Chao K-J, Chao W-C, Chapman H, Chen Y-Y, Chisholm RA, Chu C, Chuyong G, Clay K, Comita LS, Condit R, Cordell S, Dattaraja HS, de Oliveira AA, den Ouden J, Detto M, Dick C, Du X, Duque Á, Ediriweera S, Ellis EC, Obiang NLE, Esufali S, Ewango CEN, Fernando ES, Filip J, Fischer GA, Foster R, Giambelluca T, Giardina C, Gilbert GS, Gonzalez-Akre E, Gunatilleke IAUN, Gunatilleke CVS, Hao Z, Hau BCH, He F, Ni H, Howe RW, Hubbell SP, Huth A, Inman-Narahari F, Itoh A, Janík D, Jansen PA, Jiang M, Johnson DJ, Jones FA, Kanzaki M, Kenfack D, Kiratiprayoon S, Král K, Krizel L, Lao S, Larson AJ, Li Y, Li X, Litton CM, Liu Y, Liu S, Lum SKY, Luskin MS, Lutz JA, Luu HT, Ma K, Makana J-R, Malhi Y, Martin A, McCarthy C, McMahon SM, McShea WJ, Memiaghe H, Mi X, Mitre D, Mohamad M, Monks L, Muller-Landau HC, Musili PM, Myers JA, Nathalang A, Ngo KM, Norden N, Novotny V, O’Brien MJ, Orwig D, Ostertag R, Papathanassiou K, Parker GG, Pérez R, Perfecto I, Phillips RP, Pongpattananurak N, Pretzsch H, Ren H, Reynolds G, Rodriguez LJ, Russo SE, Sack L, Sang W, Shue J, Singh A, Song G-ZM, Sukumar R, Sun IF, Suresh HS, Swenson NG, Tan S, Thomas SC, Thomas D, Thompson J, Turner BL, Uowolo A, Uriarte M, Valencia R, Vandermeer J, Vicentini A, Visser M, Vrska T, Wang X, Wang X, Weiblen GD, Whitfeld TJS, Wolf A, Wright SJ, Xu H, Yao TL, Yap SL, Ye W, Yu M, Zhang M, Zhu D, Zhu L, Zimmerman JK, Zuleta D. 2021. ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network. Biological Conservation 253, 108907. pdf Supplementary Material
Global Root Traits (GRooT) Database. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30, 25-37.180. Konings AG, Saatchi SS, Frankenberg C, Keller M, Leshyk V, Anderegg WRL, Humphrey V, Matheny AM, Trugman A, Sack L, Agee E, Barnes ML, Binks O, Cawse-Nicholson K, Christoffersen BO, Entekhabi F, Gentine P, Holtzman N, Katul GG, Liu Y, Longo M, Martinez-Vilalta J, McDowell N, Meir P, Mencuccini M, Mrad A, Novick KA, Oliveira RS, Siqueira P, Steele-Dunne SC, Thompson DR, Wang Y, Wehr R, Wood JD, Xu X, Zuidema PA. 2021. Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content. Global Change Biology 27, 6005-6024. pdf Supporting Information
179. Kunert N, Zailaa J, Herrmann V, Muller-Landau HC, Wright SJ, Perez R, McMahon SM, Condit R, Hubbell SP, Sack L, Davies SJ, Anderson-Teixeira K. 2021. Leaf turgor loss point shapes local and regional distributions of evergreen but not deciduous tropical trees. New Phytologist 230, 485-496. pdf Supporting Information
178. Madliger CL, Franklin CE, Chown SL, Fuller A, Hultine KR, Costantini D, Hopkins WA, Peck MA, Rummer JL, Sack L, Willis CKR, Cooke SJ. 2021. The second warning to humanity: contributions and solutions from conservation physiology. Conservation Physiology 9, coab038. pdf
177. McGregor I, Helcoski R, Kunert N, Tepley A, Gonzalez-Akre E, Hermann V, Zailaa J, Stovall A, Bourg N, McShea W, Pederson N, Sack L, Anderson-Teixeira, K. 2021. Tree height and leaf drought tolerance traits shape growth responses across droughts in a temperate broadleaf forest. New Phytologist 231, 601-616. pdf Supporting Information
176. Sousa D, Fisher JB, Galvan FR, Pavlick RP, Cordell S, Giambelluca TW, Giardina CP, Gilbert GS, Inman-Narahari F, Litton CM, Lutz JA, North MP, Orwig DA, Ostertag R, Sack L, Phillips RP. 2021. Tree canopies reflect mycorrhizal composition. Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2021GL92764. pdf Supporting Information
175. Tao R, Sack L, Rosindell J. 2021. Biogeographic drivers of evolutionary radiations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 644328. pdf Supplementary Material
174. Albuquerque CP, Scoffoni C, Brodersen C, Buckley TN, Sack L, McElrone AJ. 2020. Coordinated decline of leaf hydraulic and stomatal conductances under drought is not linked to leaf xylem embolism for different grapevine cultivars. Journal of Experimental Botany 71, 7286–7300. pdf Supplementary Data
173. Browne M, Yardimci NT, Scoffoni C, Jarrahi M, Sack L. 2020. Prediction of leaf water potential and relative water content using terahertz radiation spectroscopy. Plant Direct 4, 1-16. pdf Supporting Information
172. Díaz de León Guerrero SD, González-Rebeles Guerrero G, Ibarra-Montes TM, Rodríguez Bastarrachea A, Santos Cobos R, Bullock SH, Sack L, Méndez-Alonzo R. 2020. Functional traits indicate faster resource acquisition for alien herbs than native shrubs in an urban Mediterranean shrubland. Biological Invasions 22, 2699–2712. pdf Supplementary Material
171. Halbritter AH, De Boeck HJ, Eycott AE, Reinsch S, Robinson DA, Vicca S, Berauer B, Christiansen CT, Estiarte M, Grünzweig JM, Gya R, Hansen K, Jentsch A, Lee H, Linder S, Marshall J, Peñuelas J, Schmidt IK, Stuart-Haënthens E, Wilfahrt P, the ClimMani Working Group (including Sack L), Vandvik V. 2020. The handbook for standardised field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate-change experiments and observational studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11, 22-37. pdf Supporting Information
170. He N, Li Y, Liu C, Xu, L, Li M, Zhang J, He J, Tang Z, Han X, Ye Q, Xiao C, Yu Q, Liu S, Sun W, Niu S, Li S, Sack L, Yu G. 2020. Plant trait networks: improved resolution of the dimensionality of adaptation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35, 908-918. pdf Supplemental Information
169. Kattge J, Bönisch G, Díaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, Leadley P, Tautenhahn S, Werner G, numerous contributing authors including Sack L, Wirth C. 2020. TRY plant trait database: enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26, 119-188. pdf Supporting Information
168. Lu H-Z, Brooker R, Song L, Liu W-Y, Sack L, Zhang J-L, Yu F-H. 2020. When facilitation meets clonal integration in forest canopies. New Phytologist 225, 135-142. pdf Supporting Information
167. Maréchaux I, Saint-André L, Bartlett M, Sack L, Chave J. 2020. Leaf drought tolerance cannot be inferred from classic leaf traits in a tropical rainforest. Journal of Ecology 108, 1030-1045. pdf Supporting Information
166. Pau S, Cordell S, Ostertag R, Inman F, Sack L. 2020. Climatic sensitivity of species’ vegetative and reproductive phenology in a Hawaiian montane wet forest. Biotropica 52, 825-835. pdf Supporting Information
165. Sack L, Buckley TN. 2020. Trait multi-functionality in plant stress response. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60, 98-112. pdf
164. Toumoulin A, Kunzmann L, Moraweck K, Sack L. 2020. Reconstructing leaf area from fragments: testing three methods using a fossil Paleogene species. American Journal of Botany 107, 1786-1797. pdf Supporting Information
163. Young SNR, Sack L, Sporck-Koehler MJ, Lundgren MR. 2020. Why is C4 photosynthesis so rare in trees? Journal of Experimental Botany 71, 4629–4638. pdf
162. Buckley TN, Sack L. 2019. The humidity inside leaves, and why you should care: implications of unsaturation of leaf intercellular airspaces. American Journal of Botany 106, 618-621. pdf Supporting Information
161. Carriquí M, Roig-Oliver M, Brodribb TJ, Coopman R, Gill W, Mark K, Niinemets Ü, Ribas-Carbó M, Sack L, Tosens T, Waite M, Flexas J. 2019. Anatomical constraints to non-stomatal diffusion conductance and photosynthesis in lycophytes and bryophytes. New Phytologist 222, 1256-1270. pdf Supporting Information
160. Earles JM, Buckley TN, Brodersen CR, Busch FA, Cano FJ, Choat B, Evans JR, Farquhar GD, Harwood R, Huynh M, John GP, Miller ML, Rockwell FE, Sack L, Scoffoni C, Struik PC, Wu A, Yin X, Barbour MM. 2019. Embracing 3D complexity in leaf carbon-water exchange. Trends in Plant Science 24, 15-24. pdf
- Recommendation by Jaume Flexas and Marc Carriqui, 2019. Faculty of 1000. pdf
159. Fuenzalida T, Bryant C, Ovington L, Yoon H-J, Oliveira R, Sack L, Ball M. 2019. Shoot surface water uptake enables leaf hydraulic recovery in Avicennia marina. New Phytologist 224, 1504-1511. pdf Supporting Information
158. He N, Liu C, Piao S, Sack L, Xu L, Luo Y, He J, Han X, Zhou G, Zhou X, Lin Y, Yu Q, Liu S, Sun W, Niu S, Li S, Zhang J, Yu G. 2019. Ecosystem traits: Linking functional traits to macroecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34, 200-210. pdf
157. Henry C, John GP, Pan R, Bartlett MK, Fletcher LR, Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2019. A stomatal safety-efficiency trade-off constrains responses to leaf dehydration. Nature Communications 10, 3398. pdf Supplementary Information
156. McFadden IR, Bartlett MK, Wiegand T, Turner BL, Sack L, Valencia R, Kraft NJB. 2019. Disentangling the functional trait correlates of spatial aggregation in tropical forest trees. Ecology 100, e02591. pdf Supporting Information
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, , Seedling response to water stress in valley oak (Quercus lobata) is shaped by different gene networks across populations. Molecular Ecology 28, 5248–5264.154. Medeiros C, Scoffoni C, John GP, Bartlett M, Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag R, Cordell S, Giardina C, Sack L. 2019. An extensive suite of functional traits distinguishes wet and dry Hawaiian forests and enables prediction of species vital rates. Functional Ecology 33, 712-734. link to plain language summary pdf Supporting Information
153. Méndez-Alonzo R, Ewers FW, Jacobsen AL, Pratt RB, Scoffoni C, Bartlett MK, Sack L. 2019. Covariation between leaf hydraulics and biomechanics is driven by leaf density in Mediterranean shrubs. Trees– Structure and Function 33, 507-519. pdf Supplementary Material
152. Menge DNL, Chisholm RA, Davies SJ, Abu Salim K, Allen D, Alvarez M, Bourg N, Brockelman WY, Bunyavejchewin S, Butt N, Cao M, Chanthorn W, Chao W-C, Clay K, Condit R, Cordell S, Batista da Silva J, Dattaraja HS, Segalin de Andrade AC, de Oliveira AA, den Ouden J, Drescher M, Fletcher C, Giardina CP, Gunatilleke CVS, Gunatilleke IAUN, Hau BCH, He F, Howe R, Hsieh CF, Hubbell SP, Inman-Narahari1 FM, Jansen PA, Johnson DJ, Kong LS, Král K, Ku C-C, Lai J, Larson AJ, Li X, Li Y, Lin L, Lin Y, Liu S, Lum SKY, Lutz JA, Ma K, Malhi Y, McMahon S, McShea W, Mi X, Morecroft M, Myers JA, Nathalang A, Novotny V, Ong P, Orwig DA, Ostertag R, Parker G, Phillips RP, Rahman KA, Sack L, Sang W, Shen G, Shringi A, Shue J, Su S-H, Sukumar R, Sun I-F, Suresh HS, Tan S, Thomas SC, Toko PS, Valencia R, Vallejo MI, Vicentini A, Vrška T, Wang B, Wang X, Weiblen GD, Wolf A, Xu H, Yap S, Zhu L, Fung T. 2019. Patterns of nitrogen-fixing tree abundance in forests across Asia and America. Journal of Ecology 107, 2598-2610. pdf Supporting Information
151. Trueba S, Pan R, Scoffoni C, John GP, Davis S, Sack L. 2019. Thresholds for leaf damage due to dehydration: declines of hydraulic function, stomatal conductance and cellular integrity precede those for photochemistry. New Phytologist 223, 134-149. pdf Supporting Information
150. Craven D, Knight TM, Barton KE, Bialic-Murphy L, Cordell S, Giardina CP, Gillespie TW, Ostertag R, Sack L, Chase JM. 2018. OpenNahele: the open Hawaiian forest plot database. Biodiversity Data Journal 6, e28406. pdf Supplementary Files
149. Fletcher L, Cui H, Callahan H, Scoffoni C, John G, Bartlett M, Burge D, Sack L. 2018. Evolution of leaf structure and drought tolerance in species of Californian Ceanothus. American Journal of Botany 105, 1672–1687. pdf Supporting Information
- Selected as highlighted noteworthy article. 2018. American Journal of Botany 105, 1611-1612. pdf
148. Ibanez T, Keppel G, Baider C, Birkinshaw C, Culmsee H, Cordell S, Florens V, Franklin J, Giardina C, Gillespie T, Laidlaw M, Litton C, Martin T, Ostertag R, Parthasarathy N, Randrianaivo R, Randrianjanahary M, Rajkumar M, Rasingam L, Ratovoson F, Reza L, Sack L, Aiba S, Webb E, Whitfeld T, Zang R, Birnbaum P. 2018. Regional forcing explains local species diversity and turnover on tropical islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27, 474-486. pdf Supporting Information
147. John GP, Henry C, Sack L. 2018. Leaf rehydration capacity: associations with other indices of drought tolerance and environment. Plant, Cell & Environment 41, 2638–2653. pdf Supporting Information
146. Johnson DJ, Needham J, Xu C, Massoud EC, Davies SJ, Anderson-Teizeira KJ, Bunyavejchewin S, Chambers JQ, Chang-Yang CH, Chiang JM, Chuyong GB, Ondit R, Cordell S, Fletcher C, Giardina CP, Giambelluca TW, Gunatilleke N, Gunatilleke S, Sieh CF, Hubbell S, Inman-Narahari F, Kassim AR, Katabuchi M, Kenfack D, Litton CM, Lum S, Mohamad M, Musalmah N, Ong PS, Ostertag R, Sack L, Swenson NG, Umana MN, Uriarte M, Valencia R, Yap S, Zimmerman JK, McDowell NG, McMahon SM. 2018. Climate sensitive size-dependent survival in tropical trees. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 1436-1442. pdf Supplementary Information
145. LaManna JA, Mangan, SA, Alonso A, Bourg NA, Brockelman WY, Bunyavejchewin S, Chang L-W, Chiang J-M, Chuyong GB, Clay K, Condit R, Cordell S, Davies SJ, Furniss TJ, Giardina CP, Gunatilleke IAUN, Gunatilleke CVS, He F, Howe RW, Hubbell SP, Hsieh C-F, Inman-Narahari FM, Janík D, Johnson DJ, Kenfack D, Korte L, Král K, Larson AJ, Lutz JA, McMahon SM, McShea WJ, Memiaghe HR, Nathalang A, Novotny V, Ong PS, Orwig DA, Ostertag R, Parker GG, Phillips RP, Sack L, Sun I-F, Tello JS, Thomas DW, Turner BL, Vela Díaz DM, Vrška T, Weiblen GD, Wolf A, Yap S, Myers JA. 2018. Response to Comment on “Plant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale”. Science 360: eaar3824. pdf
144. LaManna JA, Mangan, SA, Alonso A, Bourg NA, Brockelman WY, Bunyavejchewin S, Chang L-W, Chiang J-M, Chuyong GB, Clay K, Condit R, Cordell S, Davies SJ, Furniss TJ, Giardina CP, Gunatilleke IAUN, Gunatilleke CVS, He F, Howe RW, Hubbell SP, Hsieh C-F, Inman-Narahari FM, Janík D, Johnson DJ, Kenfack D, Korte L, Král K, Larson AJ, Lutz JA, McMahon SM, McShea WJ, Memiaghe HR, Nathalang A, Novotny V, Ong PS, Orwig DA, Ostertag R, Parker GG, Phillips RP, Sack L, Sun I-F, Tello JS, Thomas DW, Turner BL, Vela Díaz DM, Vrška T, Weiblen GD, Wolf A, Yap S, Myers JA. 2018. Response to Comment on “Plant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale”. Science 360: eaar5245. pdf
143. Li Y, Liu C, Zhang J, Yang H, Wang Q, Sack L, Wu X, Hou J, He N. 2018. Variation in leaf chlorophyll concentration from tropical to cold-temperate forests: association with gross primary productivity. Ecological Indicators 85, 383-389. pdf Supplementary Data
142. Liu C, He N, Zhang J, Li Y, Wang Q, Sack L, Yu G. 2018. Variation of stomatal traits from cold-temperate to tropical forests and association with water use efficiency. Functional Ecology 32, 20-28. pdf Supporting Information link to plain language summary
141. Lutz JA, Furniss TJ, Johnson DJ, Davies SJ, Allen D, Alonso A, Anderson-Teixeira K, Baltzer J, Becker KML, Blomdahl EM, Bourg NA, Bunyavejchewin S, Burslem DFRP, Cansler CA, Cao K, Cao M, Cárdenas D, Chang L-W, Chao K-J, Chao W-C, Chiang J-M, Chu C, Chuyong GB, Clay K, Condit R, Cordell S, Dattaraja HS, Duque A, Escobar D, Ewango CEN, Fisher GA, Fletcher C, Fruend JA, Giardina C, Germain SJ, Gilbert GS, Hau BCH, Hao Z, Hart T, He F, Hector A, Howe RW, Hu Y-H, Hubbell SP, Hsieh C-F, Inman-Narahari FM, Itoh A, Janik D, Kassim AR, Kenfack D, Kortee L, Král K, Larson AJ, Li Y-D, Lin Y, Liu S, Lum S, Ma K, Malhi Y, Makana J-R, McMahon SM, McShea WJ, Memiaghe HR, Mi, Morecroft M, Musili PM, Myers JA, Novotny V, de Oliveira A, Ong P, Orwig DA, Osterag R, Parker GG, Patankar R, Phillips RP, Reynolds G, Sack L, Song G-ZM, Sukumar R, Suresh HS, Su S-H, Sun I-F, Swanson ME, Tan S, Thomas DW, Thompson J, Uriarte M, Valencia R, Vicentine A, Vrška T, Wang X, Weiblen GD, Wolf A, Wu S-H, Xu H, Yamakura T, Yap S, Zimmerman JK. 2018. Global importance of large-diameter trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27, 849–864. pdf Supporting Information
140. Maréchaux I, Bonal D, Bartlett M, Burban B, Coste S, Courtois E, Dulormne M, Goret J-Y, Mira E, Mirabel A, Sack L, Stahl C, Chave J. 2018. Dry-season decline in tree sapflux is correlated with leaf turgor loss point in a tropical rainforest. Functional Ecology 10, 2285-2297. pdf Supporting Information link to plain language summary
139. Moreno-Martínez A, Camps Valls G, Kattge J, Robinson N, Reichstein M, van Bodegom P, Kramer K, Cornelissen JHC, Reich P, Mahn M, Niinemets U, Peñuelas J, Craine JM, Cerabolini BEL, Minden V, Laughlin DC, Sack L, Allred B, Baraloto C, Byun C, Soudzilovskaia NA, Running SW. 2018. A methodology to derive global maps of leaf traits using remote sensing and climate data. Remote Sensing of Environment 218, 69-88. pdf
138. Ohtsuka A, Sack L, Taneda H. 2018. Bundle sheath lignification mediates the linkage of leaf hydraulics and venation. Plant, Cell & Environment 41,342-353. pdf Supporting Information
137. Sack L, John GP, Buckley TN. 2018. ABA accumulation in dehydrating leaves is associated with decline in cell volume, not turgor pressure. Plant Physiology 176, 490-495. pdf Supplemental Data
136. Scoffoni C, Albuquerque C, Cochard H, Buckley TN, Fletcher LR, Caringella MA, Bartlett M, Brodersen CR, Jansen S, McElrone AJ, Sack L. 2018. The causes of leaf hydraulic vulnerability and its influence on gas exchange in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 178, 1584-1601. pdf Supplemental Data
135. Yang Y, Morden CW, Sporck-Koehler MJ, Sack L, Berry PE. 2018. Repeated range expansion and niche shift in a volcanic hotspot archipelago: radiation of C4 Hawaiian Euphorbia (subgenus Chamaesyce, Euphorbiaceae). Ecology and Evolution 8, 8523-8536. pdf Supporting Information
134. Zhang Y-J, Sack L, Goldstein G, Cao K-F. 2018. Hydraulic determination of leaf nutrient concentrations in cycads. eds Nan Li, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, and M. Patrick Griffith. Cycad Biology and Conservation: The 9th International Conference on Cycad Biology. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 117. NYBG Press, the Bronx. pp. 179-192. pdf
133. Butler EE, Datta A, Flores-Moreno H, Chen M, Wythers KR, Fzayeli F, Banerjee A, Atkin OK, Kattge J, Amiaud B, Blonder B, Boenisch G, Bond-Lamberty B, Brown KA, Byun C, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Cornelissen JHC, Craine JM, Craven D, de Vries FT, Díaz S, Domingues T, Forey E, Gonzalez A, Gross N, Han W, Hattingh WN, Hickler T, Jansen S, Kramer K, Kraft NJB, Kurokawa H, Laughlin DC, Meir P, Minden V, Niinemets Ü, Onoda Y, Peñuelas J, Read Q, Valladares Ros F, Sack L, Schamp B, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Sosinski E, Thornton P, van Bodegom PM, Williams M, Wirth C, Reich PB. 2017. Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
132. Buckley TN, John GP, Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2017. The sites of evaporation within leaves. Plant Physiology 173, 1763-1782. pdf Supplemental Data
131. Buckley TN, Sack L, Farquhar GD. 2017. Optimal plant water economy. Plant, Cell & Environment 40, 881-896. pdf Supporting Information
130. John G, Scoffoni C, Buckley TN, Villar R, Poorter H, Sack L. 2017. The anatomical and compositional basis of leaf mass per area. Ecology Letters 20, 412-425. pdf Supporting Information
129. LaManna JA, Mangan, SA, Alonso A, Bourg NA, Brockelman WY, Bunyavejchewin S, Chang L-W, Chiang J-M, Chuyong GB, Clay K, Condit R, Cordell S, Davies SJ, Furniss TJ, Giardina CP, Gunatilleke IAUN, Gunatilleke CVS, He F, Howe RW, Hubbell SP, Hsieh C-F, Inman-Narahari FM, Janík D, Johnson DJ, Kenfack D, Korte L, Král K, Larson AJ, Lutz JA, McMahon SM, McShea WJ, Memiaghe HR, Nathalang A, Novotny V, Ong PS, Orwig DA, Ostertag R, Parker GG, Phillips RP, Sack L, Sun I-F, Tello JS, Thomas DW, Turner BL, Vela Díaz DM, Vrška T, Weiblen GD, Wolf A, Yap S, Myers JA. 2017. Plant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale. Science 356, 1389-1392. pdf Supplementary Materials
- Commentary by Liza Comita. 2017. How latitude affects biotic interactions. Science 356, 1328-1329. pdf
128. Maréchaux I, Bartlett MK, Iribar A, Sack L, Chave J. 2017. Stronger seasonal adjustment in leaf turgor loss point in lianas than trees in an Amazonian forest. Biology Letters 13, 20160819. pdf
127. Nguyen HT, Meir P, Sack L, Evans JR, Oliveira R, Ball M. 2017. Leaf water storage increases with salinity and aridity in the mangrove Avicennia marina: integration of leaf structure, osmotic adjustment, and access to multiple water sources. Plant, Cell & Environment 40, 1576-1591. pdf
126. Scoffoni C, Albuquerque C, Brodersen C, Townes S*, John G, Bartlett MK, Buckley TN, McElrone AJ, Sack L. 2017. Outside-xylem vulnerability, not xylem embolism, controls leaf hydraulic decline during dehydration. Plant Physiology 173, 1197-1210. pdf Supplemental Data
125. Scoffoni C, Albuquerque C, Brodersen C, Townes S*, John G, Cochard H, Buckley TN, McElrone AJ, Sack L. 2017. Leaf vein xylem conduit diameter influences susceptibility to embolism and hydraulic decline. New Phytologist 213, 1076-1092. pdf Supporting Information
124. Scoffoni C, John GP, Cochard H, Sack L. 2017. Testing for ion-mediated enhancement of the hydraulic conductance of the leaf xylem in diverse angiosperms. Journal of Plant Hydraulics 4, e004. pdf Supporting Information
123. Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2017. Darwin Review: The causes and consequences of leaf hydraulic decline with dehydration. Journal of Experimental Botany 68, 4479-4496. pdf Supplementary Data
122. Shipley B, Belluau M, Kühn I, Soudzilovskaia N, Bahn M, Peñuelas J, Kattge J, Sack L, Cavender-Bares J, Ozinga WA, Blonder B, van Bodegom PM, Manning P, Hickler T, Sosinski E, De Patta Pillar V, Alegre P, Onipchenko V. 2017. Predicting habitat affinities of plant species using commonly measured functional traits. Journal of Vegetation Science 28, 1082-1095. pdf Supporting Information
121. Wright IJ, Dong N, Maire V, Prentice IC, Westoby M, Diaz S, Gallagher RV, Jacobs BF, Kooyman R, Law EA, Leishman MR, Niinemets Ü, Reich PB, Sack L, Villar R, Wang H, Wilf P. 2017. Global climatic drivers of leaf size. Science 357, 917-921. pdf Supplementary Materials
- Recommendation in Nature. pdf
120. Zhang Y-J, Sack L, Cao K-F. 2017, Wei X-M, Li N. 2017. Speed versus endurance tradeoff in plants: leaves with higher photosynthetic rates show stronger seasonal declines. Scientific Reports 7, 42085. pdf Supplementary Information
119. Anderegg WRL, Klein T, Bartlett M, Sack L, Pellegrini A, Choat B, Jansen S. 2016. Meta-analysis reveals that hydraulic traits explain cross-species patterns of drought-induced tree mortality across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113, 5024-5029. pdf
- Recommendation by Bernhard Schmid and Michael O’Brien, 2016. Faculty of 1000. pdf
118. Bartlett MK, Klein T, Jansen S, Choat B, Sack L. 2016. The correlations and sequence of plant stomatal, hydraulic, and wilting responses to drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113, 13098-13103. pdf Supporting Information
- Commentary by Alastair Brown. 2016. Plant physiology: responses to drought. Nature Climate Change 6, 1060. pdf
117. Bartlett MK, Zhang Y, Yang J, Kriedler N*, Sun S-W, Lin L, Hu Y-H, Cao K-F, Sack L. 2016. Drought tolerance as a driver of tropical forest assembly: resolving spatial signatures for multiple processes. Ecology 97, 503-514. pdf Supporting Information
116. Chu C, Bartlett M, Wang Y, He F, Weiner J, Chave J, Sack L. 2016. Does climate directly influence NPP globally? Global Change Biology 22, 12-24. pdf Supporting Information
115. Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag R, Hubbell S, Giardina C, Cordell S, Sack L. 2016. Density-dependent seedling mortality varies with light availability and species abundance in wet and dry Hawaiian forests. Journal of Ecology 104, 773-780. pdf Supporting Information
114. Maréchaux I, Bartlett MK, Gaucher P, Sack L, Chave J. 2016. Causes of variation in leaf-level drought tolerance within an Amazonian forest. Journal of Plant Hydraulics. pdf Supplemental Data
113. McKown AD, Akamine ME, Sack L. 2016. Trait convergence and diversification arising from a complex evolutionary history in Hawaiian species of Scaevola. Oecologia 181, 1083-1100. pdf Supporting Information
112. Méndez-Alonzo R, López-Portillo J, Moctezuma C, Bartlett MK, Sack L. 2016. Osmotic and hydraulic adjustment of mangrove saplings to extreme salinity. Tree Physiology, 36, 1562-1572. pdf Supplementary Data
111. Sack L, Ball MC, Brodersen C, Davis SD, Des Marais DL, Donovan LA, Givnish TJ, Hacke UG, Huxman T, Jansen S, Jacobsen AL, Johnson D, Koch GW, Maurel C, McCulloh K, McDowell NG, McElrone A, Meinzer FC, Melcher PJ, North G, Pellegrini M, Pockman WT, Pratt RB, Sala A, Santiago LS, Savage JA, Scoffoni C, Sevanto S, Sperry J, Tyerman SD, Way D, Holbrook NM. 2016. Plant hydraulics as a hub integrating plant and ecosystem function. Plant, Cell & Environment 39, 2085-2094. pdf
110. Sack L, Buckley TN. 2016. The developmental basis of stomatal density and flux. Plant Physiology 171, 2358-2363. pdf Supplemental Data
109. Sack L, Buckley TN, Scoffoni C. 2016. Why are leaves hydraulically vulnerable? Journal of Experimental Botany 67, 4917-4949. pdf
- Comment by Jonathan Ingram. 2016. Leaf hydraulic conductance shifts our understanding of plant water transport. Society of Experimental Biology News. link pdf
108. Scoffoni C, Chatelet DS, Pasquet-Kok J, Rawls M*, Donoghue MJ, Edwards EJ, Sack L. 2016. Hydraulic basis for the evolution of photosynthetic productivity. Nature Plants 16072. pdf Supplementary Information
107. Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Davies SJ, Bennett AC, Gonzalez-Akrea EB, Muller-Landau HC, Wright SJ, Abu Salim K, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Alonso A, Baltzer JL, Basset Y, Bourg NA, Broadbent EN, Brockelman WY Bunyavejchewin S, Burslem DFRP, Butt N, Cao M, Cardenas D, Chuyong GB, Clay K, Cordell S, Dattaraja HS, Deng X, Detto M, Du X, Duque A, Erikson DL, Ewango CEN, Fischer GA, Fletcher C, Foster RB, Giardina CP, Gilbert GS, Gunatilleke N, Gunatilleke S, Hao Z, Hargrove WW, Hart TB Hau, BCH, He F, Hoffman FM, Howe RW, Hubbell SP, Inman-Narahari FM, Jansen PA, Jiang M, Johnson DJ, Kanzaki M, Kassim AR, Kenfack D, Kibet S, Kinnaird MF, Korte L, Kral K, Kumar J, Larson AJ, Li Y, Li X, Liu S, Lum SKY, Lutz JA, Ma K, Maddalena DM, Makana J-R, Malhi Y, Marthews T, Mat Serudin R, McMahon SM, McShea WJ, Memiaghe HR, Mi X, Mizono T, Morecroft M, Myers JA, Novotny V, de Oliveira AA, Ong PS, Orwig DA, Ostertag R, den Ouden J, Parker GG, Phillips RP, Sack L, Sainge MN, Sang W, Sri Ngernyuang K, Sukumar R, Sun, I-F, Sungpalee W, Suresh HS, Tan S, Thomas SC, Thomas DW, Thompson J, Turner BL, Uriarte M, Valencia R, Vallejo MI, Vicentini A, Vrska T, Wang X, Wang X, Weiblen G, Wolf A, Xu H, Yap S, Zimmerman J. 2015. CTFS-ForestGeo: a worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change. Global Change Biology, 21, 528-549. pdf Supporting Information
106. Buckley TN, John GP, Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2015. How does leaf anatomy influence water transport outside the xylem? Plant Physiology 168, 1616-1635. pdf
- Commentary by Timothy J. Brodribb. 2015. Bringing anatomy back into the equation. Plant Physiology 168, 1461. pdf
105. Caringella MA, Bongers FJ, Sack L. 2015. Leaf hydraulic conductance varies with vein anatomy across Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type and leaf vein mutants. Plant, Cell & Environment 38, 2735-2746. pdf Supporting Information
104. Grubb PJ, Marañón T, Pugnaire FI, Sack L. 2015. Relationships between specific leaf area and leaf composition in succulent and non-succulent species of contrasting semi-desert communities in south-eastern Spain. Journal of Arid Environments 118, 69-83. pdf Supporting Information
103. Maréchaux I, Bartlett M, Sack L, Baraloto C, Engel J, Joetzjer E, Chave J. 2015. Drought tolerance as predicted by leaf water potential at turgor loss point varies strongly across species within an Amazonian forest. Functional Ecology 29, 1268-1277. pdf Supporting Information
- Podcast: interview with Isabelle Maréchaux by Alan Knapp, Functional Ecology. Audio Player
- Commentary by Sylvain Delzon. 2015. New insight into leaf drought tolerance. Functional Ecology 29, 1247-1249. pdf
102. Merkhofer L, Wilf P, Haas MT, Kooyman RM, Sack L, Scoffoni C, Cuneo NR. 2015. Resolving Australian analogs for an Eocene Patagonian paleorainforest using leaf size and floristics. American Journal of Botany 102, 1160-1173. pdf Supporting Information
101. Poorter H, Jagodziński A, Ruíz-Peinado R, Kuyah S, Luo Y, Oleksyn J, Usoltsev V, Buckley T, Reich PB, Sack L. 2015 How does biomass allocation change with size and differ among species? An analysis for 1200 plant species from five continents. New Phytologist 208, 736-749. pdf Supporting Information
100. Sack L, Scoffoni C, Johnson DM, Buckley TN, Brodribb TJ. 2015. The anatomical determinants of leaf hydraulic function. in Functional and Ecological Xylem Anatomy, pp. 255-271. ed. UG Hacke. Springer, New York. pdf
99. Scoffoni C, Kunkle J, Pasquet-Kok J, Vuong C*, Patel A*, Montgomery R, Givnish TJ, Sack L. 2015. Light-induced plasticity in leaf hydraulics, venation, anatomy and gas exchange in ecologically diverse Hawaiian lobeliads. New Phytologist 207, 43-58. pdf Supporting Information
98. Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2015. Are leaves “freewheelin'”? Testing for a Wheeler-type effect in leaf xylem hydraulic decline. Plant, Cell & Environment 38, 534-543. pdf Supporting Information
97. Zhang Y-J, Cao K-F, Sack L, Li N, Wei X-M, Goldstein G. 2015. Extending the generality of leaf economic design principles in the cycads, an ancient lineage. New Phytologist 206, 817-829. pdf Supporting Information
96. Bartlett M, Zhang Y, Kreidler N*, Sun S, Ardy R*, Cao K-F, Sack L. 2014. Global analysis of plasticity in turgor loss point, a key drought tolerance trait. Ecology Letters 12, 1580-1590. pdf Supporting Information
95. Cavaleri MA, Ostertag R, Cordell S, Sack L. 2014. Native trees show conservative water use relative to invasive: results from a removal experiment in a Hawaiian wet forest. Conservation Physiology 2, cou016. pdf
94. Creese C, Oberbauer S, Rundel P, Sack L. 2014. Are fern stomatal responses to different stimuli coordinated? Testing responses to light, vapor pressure deficit and CO2 for diverse species grown under contrasting irradiances. New Phytologist 204, 92-104. pdf Supporting Information
93. Edwards E, Chatelet D, Garrison L, Sack L, Donoghue MJ. 2014. Leaf lifespan and the leaf economic spectrum in the context of whole plant architecture. Journal of Ecology 102, 328-336. pdf
92. Granda E, Scoffoni C, Rubio-Casal AE, Sack L, Valladares F. 2014. Leaf and stem physiological responses to summer and winter extremes of woody species across temperate ecosystems. Oikos 123, 1281-1290. pdf Appendix
- Editor’s Choice, Oikos. link
91. Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag R, Asner GP, Cordell S, Hubbell SP, Sack L. 2014. Trade-offs in seedling growth and survival within and across tropical forest microhabitats. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.1196. pdf Supporting Information
90. Moles AT, Perkins SE, Laffan SW, Flores-Moreno H, Awasthy M, Tindall ML, Sack L, Pitman A, Kattge J, Aarssen LW, Anand M, Bahn M, and 36 others. 2014. Which is a better predictor of plant traits: temperature or precipitation? Journal of Vegetation Science 25, 1167-1180. pdf
89. Ostertag R, Inman-Narahari F, Cordell S, Giardina CP, Sack L. 2014. Forest structure in low-diversity tropical forests: a study of Hawaiian wet and dry forests. PLoS ONE 9: e103268. pdf
88. Pivovaroff AL, Santiago LS, Sack L. 2014. Coordination of stem and leaf hydraulic conductance in southern California shrubs: a test of the hydraulic segmentation hypothesis. New Phytologist 203: 842-850. pdf
87. Pivovaroff A*, Sharifi R, Scoffoni C, Sack L, Rundel P. 2014. Making the best of the worst of times: traits underlying the combined shade and drought tolerance of Ruscus aculeatus and R. microglossum (Asparagaceae). Functional Plant Biology 41, 11-24. pdf
86. Sack L, Caringella M, Scoffoni C, Mason C, Rawls M*, Markesteijn L, Poorter L. 2014. Leaf vein length per unit area is not intrinsically dependent on image magnification: avoiding measurement artifacts for accuracy and precision. Plant Physiology 166, 829-838. pdf Supplemental Data
85. Sack L, Scoffoni C, John GP, Poorter H, Mason CM, Mendez-Alonzo R, Donovan LA. 2014. Leaf mass per area is independent of vein length per area: avoiding pitfalls when modeling phenotypic integration (reply to Blonder, Violle, Bentley and Enquist, 2014). Journal of Experimental Botany 65, 5115-5123. pdf
84. Scoffoni C, Vuong C*, Diep S*, Cochard H, Sack L. 2014. Leaf shrinkage with dehydration: coordination with hydraulic vulnerability and drought tolerance. Plant Physiology 164, 1772-1788. pdf Supplemental Data
83. Chatelet DS, Clement WL, Sack L, Donoghue MJ, Edwards EJ. 2013. The evolution of photosynthetic anatomy in Viburnum (Adoxaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 174, 1277-1291. pdf Supplements
82. Cooke SJ, Sack L, Franklin CE, Farrell AP, Beardall J, Wikelski M, Chown SL. 2013. What is conservation physiology? perspectives on an increasingly integrated and essential science. Conservation Physiology 1, 1. pdf
81. Flexas J, Scoffoni C, Gago J, Sack L. 2013. Leaf mesophyll conductance and leaf hydraulic conductance: an introduction to their measurement and coordination. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 3965-3981. pdf Supplementary Data
80. Funk JL, Glenwinkel LA*, Sack L. 2013. Differential allocation to photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic nitrogen fractions among native and invasive species. PLoS ONE 8, e64502. pdf
79. Hao G, Wang A-Y, Sack L, Goldstein G, Cao K-F. 2013. Is hemiepiphytism an adaptation to high irradiance? Testing seedling responses to light levels and drought in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus. Physiologia Plantarum 148, 74-86. pdf
78. Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag R, Cordell S, Giardina CP, Nelson-Kaula K*, Sack L. 2013. Seedling recruitment factors in low diversity Hawaiian wet forest: towards global comparisons among tropical forests. Ecosphere 4, 24. pdf
77. John GP, Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2013. Allometry of cells and tissues within leaves. American Journal of Botany 100: 1936-1948. pdf Supplementary Data
76. Li, S, Zhang Y-J, Sack L, Scoffoni C, Ishida A, Chen Y-J, Cao K-F. 2013. The heterogeneity and spatial patterning of structure and physiology across the leaf surface in giant leaves of Alocasia macrorriza. PLoS ONE 8, e66016. pdf
75. Locke AM, Sack L, Bernacchi CJ, Ort DR. 2013. Soybean leaf hydraulic conductance does not acclimate to growth at elevated [CO2] or temperature in growth chambers or in the field. Annals of Botany 112: 911-918. pdf Supplementary Data
74. Mendez-Alonzo R, Ewers F, Sack L. 2013. Ecological variation in leaf biomechanics and its scaling with tissue structure across three mediterranean-climate plant communities. Functional Ecology 27, 544-554. pdf Supporting Information
73. Pérez-Harguindeguy N, Díaz S, Garnier E, Lavorel S, Poorter H, Jaureguiberry P, Bret-Harte MS, Cornwell WK, Craine JM, Gurvich DE, Urcelay C, Veneklaas EJ, Reich PB, Poorter L, Wright IJ, Ray P, Enrico L, Pausas JG, de Vos AC, Buchmann N, Funes G, Quétier F, Hodgson JG, Thompson K, Morgan HD, ter Steege H, van der Heijden MGA, Sack L, Blonder B, Poschlod P, Vaieretti MV, Conti G, Stager AC, Aquino S, Cornelissen JHC. 2013. New handbook for standardised measurement of plant functional traits worldwide. Australian Journal of Botany 61, 167-234. pdf Supplementary Material
72. Sack L. 2013. Holding a leaf up to the light. Review of ‘The Life of a Leaf‘ by S. Vogel. BioScience 63, 981-982. pdf
71. Sack L, Scoffoni C. 2013. Tansley Review: Leaf venation: structure, function, development, evolution, ecology and applications in past, present and future. New Phytologist 198, 983-1000. pdf Supporting Information
70. Sack L, Scoffoni C, John GP, Poorter H, Mason CM, Mendez-Alonzo R, Donovan LA. 2013. How do leaf veins influence the worldwide leaf economic spectrum? Review and synthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4053-4080. pdf Supplementary Data
69. Bartlett M, Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2012. The determinants of leaf turgor loss point and prediction of drought tolerance of species and biomes: a global meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 15, 393-405. pdf Supporting Information
68. Bartlett M, Scoffoni C, Ardy R*, Zhang Y, Sun S, Cao K, Sack L. 2012. Rapid determination of comparative drought tolerance traits: using an osmometer to predict turgor loss point. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3, 880-888. pdf Supporting Information
67. Guyot G, Scoffoni C, Sack L. 2012. Combined impacts of irradiance and dehydration on leaf hydraulic conductance: insights into vulnerability and stomatal control. Plant, Cell & Environment 35, 857-871. pdf
66. Melcher PJ, Holbrook NM, Burns MJ, Zwieniecki MA, Cobb AR, Brodribb TJ, Choat B, Sack L. 2012. Measurement of stem xylem hydraulic conductivity in the laboratory and field. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3, 685-694. pdf Supporting Information
65. Osborne CP, Sack L. 2012. Evolution of C4 plants: a new hypothesis for an interaction of CO2 and water relations mediated by plant hydraulics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367, 583-600. pdf Data Supplement
64. Poorter H, Sack L. 2012. Pitfalls and possibilities in the analysis of biomass allocation patterns in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 3, 259. pdf Supplementary Material
63. Sack L, Scoffoni C. 2012. Measurement of leaf hydraulic conductance and stomatal conductance and their responses to irradiance and dehydration using the evaporative flux method (EFM). Journal of Visualized Experiments. pdf Movie
62. Sack L, Scoffoni C, McKown AD, Frole K*, Rawls M*, Havran JC, Tran H*, Tran T*. 2012. Developmentally based scaling of leaf venation architecture explains global ecological patterns. Nature Communications 3: 837. pdf Supporting Information
61. Schmerler S*, Clement WL, Beaulieu JM, Chatelet D, Sack L, Donoghue MJ, Edwards EJ. 2012. Evolution of leaf form correlates with tropical-temperate transitions in Viburnum (Adoxaceae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279, 3905-3913. pdf Data Supplement
60. Scoffoni C, McKown A, Rawls M*, Sack L. 2012. Dynamics of leaf hydraulic conductance with water status: quantification and analysis of species differences under steady-state. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 643-658. pdf Supplementary Data
59. Sommerville KE, Sack L, Ball MC. 2012. Hydraulic conductance of Acacia phyllodes (leaves) is driven by primary nerve (vein) conductance and density. Plant, Cell & Environment 35, 158-168. pdf Supporting Information
58. Buckley TN, Sack L, Gilbert ME. 2011. The role of bundle sheath extensions and life form in stomatal responses to leaf water status. Plant Physiology 156, 962-973. pdf Supplemental Data
57. Choat B, Medek DE, Stuart SA, Pasquet-Kok J, Egerton JJG, Salari H, Sack L, Ball MC. 2011. Xylem traits mediate a trade-off between resistance to freeze/thaw-induced embolism and photosynthetic capacity in over-wintering evergreens. New Phytologist 191, 996-1005. pdf
56. Creese C, Lee A*, Sack L. 2011. Drivers of morphological diversity and distribution in the Hawaiian fern flora: trait associations with size, growth form and environment. American Journal of Botany 98, 956-966. pdf Supplementary Data
55. Gaoue O, Sack L, Ticktin T. 2011. Human impacts on leaf economics in heterogeneous landscapes: the effect of harvesting non-timber forest products from African mahogany across habitats and climates. Journal of Applied Ecology 48, 844-852. pdf Supporting Information
54. Hao G-Y, Goldstein G, Sack L, Holbrook NM, Liu Z-H, Wang A-Y, Harrison RD, Su Z-H, Cao K-F. 2011. Ecology of hemi-epiphytism in fig species is based on evolutionary correlation of hydraulics and carbon economy. Ecology 92, 2117-2130. pdf Appendices online
53. Kattge J, Díaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, Leadley P, Bönisch G, Garnier E, Westoby M, Reich PB, Wright IJ, Cornelissen JHC, Violle C, Harrison SP, van Bodegom PM, Reichstein M, Enquist BJ, Soudzilovskaia NA, Ackerly DD, Anand M, Atkin O, Bahn M, Baker TR, Baldocchi D, Bekker R, Blanco CC, Blonder B, Bond W, Bradstock R, Bunker DE, Casanoves F, Cavender-Bares J, Chambers JQ, Chapin FS III, Chave J, Coomes D, Cornwell WK, Craine JM, Dobrin BH, Duarte L, Durka W, Elser J, Esser G, Estiarte M, Fagan WF, Fang J, Fernández-Méndez F, Fidelis A, Finegan B, Flores O, Ford H, Frank D, Freschet GT, Fyllas NM, Gallagher R, Green WA, Gutierrez AG, Hickler T, Higgins S, Hodgson JG, Jalili A, Jansen J, Joly C, Kerkhoff AJ, Kirkup D, Kitajima K, Kleyer M, Klotz S, Knops JMH, Kramer K, Kühn I, Kurokawa H, Laughlin D, Lee TD, Leishman M, Lens F, Lenz T, Lewis SL, Lloyd J, Llusià J, Louault F, Ma S, Mahecha MD, Manning P, Massad T, Medlyn B, Messier J, Moles A, Müller SC, Nadrowski K, Naeem S, Niinemets Ü, Nöllert S, Nüske A, Ogaya R, Oleksyn J, Onipchenko VG, Onoda Y, Ordoñez J, Overbeck G, Ozinga W, Patiño S, Paula S, Pausas JG, Peñuelas J, Phillips OL, Pillar V, Poorter H, Poorter L, Poschlod P, Prinzing A, Proulx R, Rammig A, Reinsch S, Reu B, Sack L, Salgado-Negret B, Sardans J, Shiodera S, Shipley B, Siefert A, Sosinski E, Sousssana J-F, Swaine E, Swenson N, Thompson K, Thornton P, Waldram M, Weiher E, White M, Wright SJ, Yguel B, Zaehle S, Zanne AE, Wirth C. 2011. TRY: a global database of plant traits. Global Change Biology 17, 2905-2935. pdf Supporting Information
- Recommendation by Kirk Moloney, 2012, Faculty of 1000. pdf
52. Markesteijn L, Poorter L, Paz H, Bongers F, Sack L. 2011. Hydraulics and life-history of tropical dry forest tree species: coordination of species’ drought and shade tolerance. New Phytologist 191, 480-495. pdf
51. Markesteijn L, Poorter L, Paz H, Sack L, Bongers F. 2011. Ecological differentiation in xylem cavitation resistance is associated with stem and leaf structural traits. Plant, Cell & Environment 34, 137-148. pdf
50. Scoffoni C, Rawls M*, McKown A, Cochard H, Sack L. 2011. Decline of leaf hydraulic conductance with dehydration: relationship to leaf size and venation architecture. Plant Physiology 156, 832-843. pdf Supplemental Data
- Recommendation by Joseph Craine, 2011, Faculty of 1000. pdf
49. Sellin A, Sack L, Õunapuu E, Karusion A. 2011. Impact of light quality on leaf and shoot hydraulic properties: a case study in silver birch (Betula pendula). Plant, Cell & Environment 34, 1079-1087. pdf
48. Waite M, Sack L. 2011. Does global stoichiometric theory apply to bryophytes? Tests across an elevation × soil age ecosystem matrix on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Journal of Ecology 99, 122-134. pdf Supporting Information
47. Waite M, Sack L. 2011. Shifts in bryophyte carbon isotope ratio across an elevation × soil age matrix on Mauna Loa, Hawaii: do bryophytes behave like vascular plants? Oecologia 166, 11-22. pdf SupplementaryMaterial
46. Brodribb TJ, Feild TS, Sack L. 2010. Viewing leaf structure and evolution from a hydraulic perspective. Functional Plant Biology 37: 488-498. pdf
45. Cavaleri MA, Sack L. 2010. Comparative water use of native and invasive plants at multiple scales: a global meta-analysis. Ecology 91: 2705-2715. pdf Appendices online
- Recommendation by Mark Lonsdale and Hazel Ruth Parry, 2010, Faculty of 1000. pdf
44. Hao G-Y, Sack L, Wang A-Y, Cao K-F, Goldstein G. 2010. Differentiation of leaf water flux and drought tolerance traits in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus tree species. Functional Ecology 24: 731-740. pdf Supporting Information
43. Inman-Narahari F, Giardina C, Ostertag R, Cordell S, Sack L. 2010. Digital data collection in forest dynamics plots. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1: 274-279. pdf Supporting Information
42. McKown AD, Cochard H, Sack L. 2010. Decoding leaf hydraulics with a spatially explicit model: principles of venation architecture and implications for its evolution. American Naturalist 175: 447-460. pdf Appendix
- Commentary by David J. Beerling and Peter J. Franks. 2010. News & Views: The hidden cost of transpiration. Nature 464, 495-496. pdf
41. Pasquet-Kok J, Creese C, Sack L. 2010. Turning over a new “leaf”: multiple functional significances of leaves versus phyllodes in Hawaiian Acacia koa. Plant, Cell & Environment 33, 2084-2100. pdf Supporting Information
40. Sack L, Cornwell WK, Santiago LS, Barbour MM, Choat B, Evans JR, Munns R, Nicotra A. 2010. A unique web resource for physiology, ecology and the environmental sciences: PrometheusWiki. Functional Plant Biology 387: 687-693. pdf PrometheusWiki Website
- Commentary by Rana Munns. 2010. Editorial: New ventures in scientific publication. Functional Plant Biology 37, 687-693. pdf
39. Waite M, Sack L. 2010. How does moss photosynthesis relate to leaf and canopy structure? Trait relationships for ten Hawaiian species of contrasting light habitats. New Phytologist 185: 156-172. pdf Supplementary Material
- Commentary by Michael Proctor. 2010. Trait correlations in bryophytes: exploring an alternative world. New Phytologist 185, 1-3. pdf
38. Coomes DA, Sack L. 2009. Response to “Comment on Coomes et al. 2008, ‘Scaling of xylem vessels and veins within the leaves of oak species’ by CA Price and BJ Enquist”. Biology Letters. pdf
37. Dunbar-Co S, Sporck MJ, Sack L. 2009. Leaf trait diversification and design in seven rare taxa of the Hawaiian Plantago radiation. International Journal of Plant Sciences 170: 61-75. pdf
36. Kagawa AK, Sack L, Duarte K, James S. 2009. Hawaiian native forest conserves water relative to timber plantation: species and stand traits influence water use. Ecological Applications 19: 1429-1443. pdf
35. Arcand N, Kagawa AK, Sack L, Giambelluca TW. 2008. Scaling of frond form in Hawaiian tree fern Cibotium glaucum: compliance with global trends, and application for field estimation. Biotropica 40, 686-691. pdf Supporting Material
34. Coomes DA, Heathcote S*, Godfrey ER*, Shepherd JJ*, Sack L. 2008. Scaling of xylem vessels and veins within the leaves of oak species. Biology Letters 4, 302-306. pdf Supplementary Material
33. Hoof J, Sack L, Webb DT, Nilsen ET. 2008. Contrasting structure and function of pubescent and glabrous varieties of Hawaiian Metrosideros polymorpha at high elevation. Biotropica 40, 113-118. pdf
32. Pratt RB, Jacobsen AL, North GB, Sack L, Schenk HJ. 2008. Plant hydraulics: new discoveries in the pipeline. Meeting Report. New Phytologist 179, 590-593. pdf
31. Quero JL, Villar R, Marañón T, Zamora R, Vega D, Sack L. 2008. Relating leaf photosynthetic rate to whole plant growth: drought and shade effects on seedlings of four Quercus species. Functional Plant Biology 35,725-737. pdf Supplementary Material
30. Sack L, Dietrich EM*, Streeter CM*, Sánchez-Gómez D, Holbrook NM. 2008. Leaf palmate venation and vascular redundancy confer tolerance of hydraulic disruption. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105, 1567-1572. pdf Supporting Information Online
- Recommendation by Evan DeLucia, 2008, Faculty of 1000. pdf
29. Scoffoni C, Pou A, Aasamaa K, Sack L. 2008. The rapid light response of leaf hydraulic conductance: new evidence from two experimental methods. Plant, Cell & Environment 13, 1803-1812. pdf
28. Cavender-Bares J, Sack L, Savage J. 2007. Atmospheric and soil drought reduce nocturnal conductance in live oaks. Tree Physiology 27, 611-620. pdf
27. Choat B, Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2007. Diversity of hydraulic traits in nine Cordia species growing in tropical forests with contrasting precipitation. New Phytologist 175, 686-698. pdf
- Recommendation by Peter Reich, 2008, Faculty of 1000. pdf
26. Cornwell WK, Bhaskar R, Sack L, Cordell S, Lunch C. 2007. Adjustment of structure and function of Hawaiian Metrosideros polymorpha at high versus low precipitation. Functional Ecology 21, 1063-1071. pdf
25. Martin RE, Asner GP, Sack L. 2007. Genetic variation in leaf pigment, optical and photosynthetic function among diverse phenotypes of Metrosideros polymorpha grown in a common garden. Oecologia 151, 387-400. pdf
24. Royer DL, Sack L, Wilf P, Lusk CH, Jordan GJ, Niinemets Ü, Wright IJ, Westoby M, Cariglino B, Coley PD, Cutter AD, Johnson KR, Labandeira CC, Moles AT, Palmer MB, Valladares F. 2007. Fossil leaf economics quantified: calibration, Eocene case study, and implications. Paleobiology 33, 574-589. pdf
- Editor’s Choice, by Guy Riddihough. 2007. Science 318, 1219. pdf
23. Niinemets Ü, Sack L. 2006. Structural determinants of leaf light harvesting capacity and photosynthetic potentials. Progress in Botany, Vol 67. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 385-419. pdf
22. Sack L, Frole K*. 2006. Leaf structural diversity is related to hydraulic capacity in tropical rainforest trees. Ecology 87, 483-491. pdf Appendices online
21. Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2006. Leaf hydraulics. Annual Review of Plant Biology 57, 361-381. pdf
20. Sack L, Melcher PJ, Liu WH*, Middleton E*, Pardee T*. 2006. How strong is intra-canopy leaf plasticity in temperate deciduous trees? American Journal of Botany 93, 829-839. pdf
19. Nakahashi C*, Frole K*, Sack L*. 2005. Bacterial leaf nodule symbiosis in Ardisia (Myrsinaceae): does it contribute to seedling growth capacity? Plant Biology 7, 495-500. pdf
18. Orians CM, Smith SDP*, Sack L. 2005. How are leaves plumbed inside a branch? Differences in leaf-to-leaf hydraulic sectoriality among six temperate tree species. Journal of Experimental Botany 56, 2267-2273. pdf
17. Sack L, Tyree MT, Holbrook NM. 2005. Leaf hydraulic architecture correlates with regeneration irradiance in tropical rainforest trees. New Phytologist 167, 403-413. pdf
16. Sack L,Tyree MT. 2005. Leaf hydraulics and its implications in plant structure and function. In Vascular Transport in Plants. eds NM Holbrook and MA Zwieniecki. Elsevier/Academic Press, Oxford, 93-114. pdf
15. Tyree MT, Nardini A, Salleo S, Sack L, El Omari B. 2005. The dependence of leaf hydraulic conductance on irradiance during HPFM measurements: any role for stomatal response? Journal of Experimental Botany 56, 737-744. pdf
14. Angeles G, Bond B, Boyer JS, Brodribb T, Brooks JR, Burns MJ, Cavender-Bares J, Clearwater M, Cochard H, Comstock J, Davis SD, Domec J-C, Donovan L, Ewers F, Gartner B, Hacke U, Hinckley T, Holbrook NM, Jones HG, Kavanagh K, Law B, López-Portillo J, Lovisolo C, Martin T, Martínez-Vilalta J, Mayr S, Meinzer FC, Melcher P, Mencuccini M, Mulkey S, Nardini A, Neufeld HS, Passioura J, Pockman WT, Pratt RB, Rambal S, Richter H, Sack L, Salleo S, Schubert A, Schulte P, Sparks JP, Sperry J, Teskey R, Tyree M. 2004. Letter: The cohesion-tension theory. New Phytologist 163, 451-452. pdf
13. Sack L. 2004. Responses of temperate woody seedlings to shade and drought: do trade-offs limit potential niche differentiation? Oikos 107, 110-127. pdf
12. Sack L, Streeter CM*, Holbrook NM. 2004. Hydraulic analysis of water flow through leaves of sugar maple and red oak. Plant Physiology 134, 1824-1833. pdf
11. Sack L, Cowan PD*, Holbrook NM. 2003. The major veins of mesomorphic leaves revisited: testing for conductive overload in Acer saccharum (Aceraceae) and Quercus rubra (Fagaceae). American Journal of Botany 90: 32-39. pdf
10. Sack L, Cowan PD*, Jaikumar NJ*, Holbrook NM. 2003. The ‘hydrology’ of leaves: coordination of structure and function in temperate woody species. Plant, Cell & Environment 26, 1343-1356. pdf
9. Sack L, Dechmann D. 2003. Design of paradise. Review of ‘A Magic Web’ by EG Leigh and C Ziegler. Nature 424, 132. pdf
8. Sack L, Grubb, PJ. 2003. Crossovers in seedling relative growth rates between low and high irradiance: analyses and ecological potential. Functional Ecology 17, 281-287. pdf
7. Sack L, Grubb PJ, Marañón T. 2003. The functional morphology of juvenile plants tolerant of strong summer drought in shaded forest understories in southern Spain. Plant Ecology 168, 139-163. pdf
6. Sack L, Grubb PJ. 2002. The combined impacts of deep shade and drought on the growth and biomass allocation of shade tolerant woody seedlings. Oecologia 131: 175-185. pdf
5. Sack L, Marañón T, Grubb, PJ. 2002. Global allocation rules for patterns of biomass partitioning. Science 296: 1923a. pdf
4. Sack L, Melcher PJ, Zwieniecki MA, Holbrook NM. 2002. The hydraulic conductance of the angiosperm leaf lamina: a comparison of three measurement methods. Journal of Experimental Botany 53: 2177-2184. pdf
3. Zwieniecki MA, Melcher PJ, Boyce CK, Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2002. The hydraulic architecture of the leaf venation in Laurus nobilis L. Plant, Cell & Environment 25: 1445-1450. pdf
2. Sack L, Grubb PJ. 2001. Why do species of woody seedlings change rank in relative growth rate between low and high irradiance? Functional Ecology 15: 145-154. pdf
1. Sack L*, Zeyl C, Bell G, Sharbel T, Reboud X, Bernhardt T, Koelewyn H. 1994. Isolation of four new strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyta) from soil samples. Journal of Phycology 30, 770-773. pdf
*indicates undergraduate co-authors